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Here it is... @TuckerCarlson
interviewed Felix Rodriquez. Felix, like many of his CIA counterparts played an integral role in Operation Gladio so I thought I'd check out his story:
1941: Felix is born in Cuba
1954: He attended Perkiomen School in PA for 6 yrs; this is a boarding school for elites; college prep and very expensive.

2) NOTE:
1957/8-9?-He says he left Perkiomen School prior to his graduation (1960) for 2 yrs and [fought] with Dominian Republic and participated in the Anti Communist League of the Carribean (this was a paramilitary force for Operation Gladio missions) working for Dominican Republic dictator Hector Trujillo (brother and former president Rafael was actually in charge).

3)Trujillo was notorious for working with the CIA setting up Operation Gladio style training camps along the Haitian border and launching raids to destabilize Haiti for CIA. Trujillo worked with the CIA to assassinate Venezuelan Pres Betancourt in 1960. Trujullo was trained by the US Marines and was very violent and oppressive.

4)Trujillo gave Batista sanctuary until August 1959 as a "virtual prisoner". This would have been while Rodriquez was in Dominican. Apparently he received paramilitary training while on this extended stay in the Dominican Republic as he was used almost immediatley upon his return to Miami in paramilitary CIA ops.

5) 1960: Returned to Perkiomen School to graduate in 1960; proceeded to Miami and lived with parents.

1960: He mentions he was in Havana Bay of Pigs invasion at 19; in a special forces unit with 36 pple that got in to Cuba; made it out of Cuba via the Venezuela embassy in Cuba; then proceeded to Venezuela; then to Miami 31 oct 1961; he says he made another 7 trips to Cuba. taking explosives, guns, etc.

6)1962, married; 25 August married; gets a job at some letter servic propaganda packaging company. Operation Mongoose was operational at the time as was JM/WAVE all CIA operations. JM/WAVE was the largest CIA field station in the world at the time and the dark heart of a thousand cloak-and-dagger operations focused on Cuba. This was the home office for Operation Mongoose, the global campaign of espionage, sabotage, propaganda, and assassination.

7)The CIA actually considered murdering a boatload of refugees, assassinating exile leaders, and planting bombs in Miami and blaming Castro for the chaos. The basic idea was to turn world opinion against Castro to justify U.S. military invasion. The details of the sinister plot are included in a summary about Operation Mongoose,

8)a 1960 covert op by the CIA under President Dwight Eisenhower with the aim of toppling Communist Cuba. The paper was sent by Gen. Edward Landsdale, a top Cold War officer who worked with the CIA to plot out Operation Mongoose; he sent the report, which included nine other "pretexts," on April 12, 1962, to Gen. Maxwell Taylor,

9)who would soon become chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This was after Gen Lyman Lemnitzer had been fired for suggesting a more robust version of this as Operation Northwood. Also, "KUBARK" interrogation and torture program, and the infamous "JM/WAVE" CIA outpost on the University of Miami campus which is where torture was actually conducted.

10)The CIA successfully used 2 local reporters as a "propaganda outlet through which items of interest to KUBARK could be surfaced in the free world press." Lastly the plane we paid $6,600 a month for but couldn’t fly bc Cuban jammed the radios it was suppose to use and this went on for years.

CIA carried out the abortive Bay of Pigs Invasion landings in Cuba on 17 April 1961 with Brigade 2506. The CIA funded the brigade, which also included approximately 60 members of the Alabama Air National Guard, and trained the unit in Guatemala.

12)The training for this mission began in 1960 with Gregorio Matteo. There were over 400 trained in the Brigade 2506. The training was done at a Gladio operation training site in Guatemala. Keep in mind n 1953, an exiled Guatemalan colonel, Carlos Castillo Armas, who had been trained in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas,

13)was chosen by the CIA to lead a coup against elected Guatemalan president Jacobo Árbenz. Arbenz sin was insisting on CIA front company pay taxes and release land they weren’t farming for local farmers to use. The CIA initiated efforts to destabilize Árbenz’s regime, recruiting Guatemalan exiles in neighboring Honduras.

14)After CIA declared war on Arbenz he stepped down to limit the bloodshed. Armas was assassinated in 1957, but the Guatemalan military continued to rule the country, eventually leading to the emergence of a guerilla resistance movement in 1960. The civil war officially began on November 13, 1960, when a group of military officers attempted a coup against the corrupt General Miguel Ydígoras Fuentes, who rose to power after Castillo Armas was killed.

15)In 1961, students and leftists protested the government’s participation in training Cuban exiles for the Bay of Pigs invasion, and were met with violence by the military. Then, in 1963, during national elections, another military coup took place and the election was canceled, strengthening the military’s grip on power. The CIA at its finest.

16)If it wasn’t so sad, it would be laughablee that the Cuban Exiles blame JFK for their debacles while they created havoc everywhere they went. They were deployed for assassinations, torture and kidnappings throughtout the the Americans including the US.

17)An estimated 114 drowned or were killed in action, and 1,183 were captured, tried and imprisoned. Private sympathizers in the United States eventually negotiated to give $53 million worth of food and medicine in exchange for release and repatriation of Brigade prisoners to Miami starting on 23 December 1962. On 29 December 1962, President John F. Kennedy hosted a 'welcome back' ceremony for captured Brigade 2506 veterans at the Orange Bowl in Miami. Felix is one lucky guy.

Felix mentions Marines are landing in Cuba and the CIA saying they need him for a mission. He provides several details about his expertise with radio beacons, being parachuted near in Santa Clara which was near the soviet missile base.

19)These are quite a few skills to have at the disposal of the CIA. The mission was to hit the missile base. I discuss this mission in this article which involved a very interesting man that no one has ever heard of: William Pawley.
For more information about this read:

Felix even mentions THE BRIGADE; he is referring to the Brigade 2506. They saw JFK as a traitor. Keep in mind, JFK was the president of the USA not CUBA. His allegience was to the citizens of the US and not Felix, his CIA buddies and not an invasion of Cuba. Period.

21)Felix goes on to mention after he was able to pull the brigade survivors out of prison, he opened the US military to brigade members. Keep in mind, these brigade members are trained assassin/paramilitary. Felix goes on to say he bacame a 2LT in the US Army without a degree.

22)That was not unheard of but it was an exception. JFK then promised them all special ops. He mentions their training had already started at 3 central american US bases. He, again, is referring to their attending Operation Gladio style paramilitary training.

23) Felix accuses Fabian Escalente of being one of the JFK assassins. He throws Oswald under the bus as well trotting out the trite ‘he was in the Cuban Embassy’ narrative the CIA has used for years. Funny he has instant recall of so much but completely forgot about E Howard Hunt was proven, in a court, to be in Dallas on 22 Nov 1963.

24)If you want to know why Felix throws Fabian under the bus…he was trying to stop the Central Intelligence Agency from toppling the Cuban government with the help of anti-Castro exiles. He had risen to head Cuba's Department of State Security, he was well placed to consider whether those same exiles may have had a hand in the November 22, 1963 slaying of the dashing young president in Dallas.

25)He worked with the US House Select Committe on Assassinations investigating JFK’s killing when they traveled to Cuba in 1978. Escalante believes Cuban exile and former CIA operative Luis Posada Carriles knows about the JFK assassination. Luis was wanted for the masterminding of the 1976 bombing of a Cubana Airlines jet which killed 73 people.

26)Posada Carriles is also accused of involvement in a 1997 wave of hotel bombings. This was done to destabilize Cuba. How many times did Feliz say he went back to Cuba? Escalante belonged to the Q Section in 1961, which had 50 case officers to thwart the efforts of the so-called JMWAVE CIA base in Florida assigned to conduct sabotage operations in Cuba with a $100 million budget and 4,000 agents.

27) He mentions he went back in 1965 to photo; by boat. Was he with Pawley? Was he on active duty with the Army when this mission was done?

When did Feliz joined the Army? He would have been in the US military for 4 years minimum. He says he spend 2.5 years in Vietnam AFTER Bolivia. He said Ted Shackley was his boss while there; Ted Shackley was CIA and not Army. Why was a 2Lt working for the CIA? Shackley was CIA station chief in Saigon from 1968 to 1972.

28)This leaves us with Feliz was in Bolivia until at least fall of 1967 because thats when they killed Che Guevara. We don’t know how long Feliz was in Bolivia but do know he likely left after his mission was complete. What Feliz also didn’t tell you was what happened just before Che’s murder…

29)the Bolivia president and his army opened fire in a mining town with miners of Siglo XX were located and massacred 30 men and women on St John’s day. This was done to draw out the freedom fighters (or communists as the CIA likes to call them).

30)One of the presidents trusted officers was so sickened by it all he fled to Havana and accused the president of being on the CIA’s payroll. Which of course, they all were. That proved a little too messy for the CIA and he was killed in a helicopter ‘accident’.

Che Guevara was murdered. Guevara was a doctor in Argentina. He apparently traveled to all the South American countries, as well as Latin American countries the CIA/US was overthrowing. Imagine how bad the CIA wanted this guy dead...he followed them around trying to stop their shit. He assisted them as he could especially Jacobo Arbenz and his fight with United Fruit (CIA front).

32)He met the Castro brothers in Mexico and decided to help them fight off the CIA backed Batista. If you read the non-CIA approved history, the assassinations that occurred after the revolution was directed toward ppl who had sold out to the mafias, US and ratted out their fellow countrymen or sold ppl into prostitution to the mafia and drug dealers using Cuba as the staging for heroin sales into the US.

33)That is the other side. Research. Che believed the intrinsic result of imperialism, neocolonialism, and monopoly capitalism, would be remedied by proletarian internationalism and world revolution. A better idea, stop being imperialistic and we won’t create Che’s. Che left Cuba in 1965 and went to Africa where the CIA was in full gear after assassinating several heads of state there. The Congo was still on fire, thanks to Otto Skorkeny, the hired hand of the CIA.

34)Felix also left out the part where they shot Che 9 times in the legs and arms and then the 9th shot was a kill shot.

All the details about Che’s execution was to deflect from the horrendous fact that he and the other CIA agents on the ground facilitated the capture and execution. It a tactic to get you to focus on other nonsense stuff and not the blood and guts.

35) The ambassador Douglas Henderson, unlike most of his peers, was sickened by all of this and he basically never got another posting. Not a team player.

Feliz didn’t mention he flew over 300 helocopter missions for the Phoenix Program, Provincial Recon Units (PRUs). Felix’s direct supervisor in Vietnam was Donald Gregg (CIA) and they became very close.

36)Gregg’s boss was Ted Shackley during the Phoenix Program. Shackley became Bush Sr’s top aide for operations when he directed the CIA, Gregg became National Security Advisor for Vice-President Bush. Rodríguez worked for Gregg in support of the Iran Contra drug and weapons movements.

37)Its interesting that Feliz covers all his bases with all the villains the CIA has blamed over the years for their imperialistic work on behalf of the west. He calls out the bombing was from ‘soviets’ trying to bomb the embassy and other Saigon targets. He mentions its a psychological thing.

38)The CIA understands this concept very well. He mentions they could not figure out where bombings were coming from until they captured the body guard of commander of the enemy camp. What he doesn’t tell you is what he did to the body guard to get him to talk. They tortured him. A lot.

39)He didn’t just tell him they were hiding in an area. Interesting that he provides an exact date of the attack as well. He established ‘contact’ with commander of unit and they killed 18 of them (how does he remember these exact numbers) they lost 3 of PRU mbrs. No more rockets into Saigon afterward. There were lots more rockets into Saigon after 1970.

40)This operation relied on ‘confessions’ of tortured ppl turning in neighbors and they’d go out the assassinate the the neighbors who’d been ID’d under duress. It’s hideous.

The CIA sent he and his family to Argentina in 1973 which he tells us his place of birth was Colorado on his forged paperwork.

41)This is interesting timing because Peron comes back to power in…1973. Weird. Peron’s government immediately creates the ‘Argentine Anticommunist Alliance’ (AAA). It is connected to Operation Gladio’s P2 lodge in Italy. Not even kidding. The Grand mason Gelli is over in Argentina regularly.

42)The AAA killed artists, priests, intellectuals, leftist politicians, students, historians and union members, as well as issuing threats and carrying out extrajudicial killings and forced disappearances during the presidencies of Juan Perón and Isabel Perón between 1973 and 1976.

43)The group was responsible for the disappearance and death of over 2,000 ppl. Because foreign nationals were murdered as well several government officials were eventually arrested in Spain and Italy as part of this horror. Apparently Felix kept some interesting

44)company and had overlap with Italian neofascist Stefano Delle Chiaie had also worked with the Triple A, and was present at Ezeiza. Delle Chiaie also worked with the Chilean DINA in Chile, and for Hugo Banzer, a Bolivian dictator.

45)Lastly I want to let you know the real reason Ambassador Joaquin Zenteno Anaya was killed in France. French citizen Klaus Barbie, a German Nazi was in Bolivia and France wanted him extradited. the Amb’s murder was a warning.

46)1977-8 timeframe. Absolutely no CIA involved and he randomly runs into E Howard Hunt in Miami after Hunt is released from prison. He runs into him at Sears and invites him home. He just so happens to get a call from chief of station of Miami. Again, I’m not a bookie but what are the odds? He’s told whatever you do don’t meet him.

47) 1985:
He mentions he ‘volunteered’ to fly into El Salvador and work like he did in Vietnam; El Salvador had the Gladio training bases for ops ran against the dually elected Sanadistia government by the CIA sponsored Contras because the CIA’s mission was to ensure the United Fruit

48)company got to maintain their ‘no taxes’ paid to the government and locked up all tillable good farming land deal they’d had for decades. The CIA is the paramilitary capability for the mercantile elite class of glabalists or as I say International Syndicate.

49)Gen Gorman who was SOUTHCOM commander until spring of 1985 would have had nothing to do with Feliz work as a ‘volunteer’. He was not a volunteer. In order to be on the OPORDs he would have been a contractor or in a status otherwise he’d be flying those missions

50)without any coordination from the COCOM. They don’t just coordinate with ‘volunteers’ that show up. VP Bush, his National Security Advisor Donald Gregg worked with the CIA on all aspects of the Iran Contra deal. I wouldn’t even consider any of these players as ‘former’ CIA.

51)Weirdly enough, I had just dug into Iran Contra and found that a plane full of weapons got stranded in Portugal. Feliz mentions this plane specifically. Also, Honduras was another staging base for Gladio style training and mission source into Nicaragua. Feliz tells us the stranded plane that could not get clearance to take off from Portugal was moved to Honduras and weapons hidden in El Salvador.

52)He specifically mentions Joint Task Force Aguila (Eagle) which was in El Salvador as being used for maintenance capability. Then Feliz weirdly says the VP had very little to do with the entire Iran Contra operation.

53)That’s weird because you just said he had to interfere with the operation to get approval for you to volunteer. He also said that there was a fear congress would push him into saying something that would hurt the VP. Not the president, mind you, but the VP. Pay attention.

54)He’s pissed at Kerry for faking injuries while he goes around killing ppl for the CIA. I reallty found it interesting that he said Pres Carter destroyed the CIA and was responsible for the 9/11 because he didn’t want to covertly over throw a bunch of governments with assassins in the CIA.

55)As a reminder, the CIA didn’t lose those officers, they became ‘volunteers’. They were all employed using front companies called The Enterprise using covert funds ran through front banks that would close after a cycle of laundered money was finished drying. So 20 years later and trillions of dollars, the CIA watched as 9/11 happened and all they have to say is, its Carter’s fault.

56)I hope you didn’t miss him saying the CIA has there own air force and navy… really? they have a paramilitary appartus which felix belonged to. spec ops division. spec activities and their own Air Force and Navy…

57)He has to discuss his security needs and witness protection offer to psychologically get you to feel empathy toward him. He is a trained paramilitary killer working for the CIA. He gets zero fucks about his safety.

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