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Here's how the organization of the soccer game can be broken down into the four stages:

*1. Inception (Idea Generation)*

- Time: Immediately after project management class
- Activities:
- Decide to organize a soccer game
- Define the purpose and scope of the game (e.g., recreational, team-building)
- Identify the target audience (e.g., classmates, friends)

*2. Pre-Planning (Planning and Preparation)*

- Time: 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
- Activities:
- Choose a suitable venue and schedule the game
- Define game rules and format (e.g., 5-a-side, 7-a-side)
- Create teams and assign team captains
- Plan for equipment, referees, and first aid supplies
- Promote the game through social media, flyers, or word of mouth

*3. Execution (Implementation)*

- Time: 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
- Activities:
- Set up the playing field and equipment
- Conduct pre-game warm-ups and briefings
- Manage game logistics, including player substitutions and injuries
- Ensure a smooth game flow and enforce game rules
- Provide amenities like water, snacks, and restrooms

*4. Crisis Management (Contingency Planning)*

- Time: Throughout the game
- Activities:
- Prepare for unexpected issues like inclement weather, injuries, or disputes
- Have a backup plan for venue or equipment issues
- Designate a first aid officer and have a first aid kit on hand
- Be prepared to adapt game rules or format if necessary

By breaking down the organization of the soccer game into these four stages, you can ensure a well-planned and successful event!
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Regards; Team

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