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Compared to experiments with RH of 2%, SOA yields increased by 11%-133% and 4%-64% with higher RH (30%-90%) for toluene and m-xylene, respectively
The maximum SOA concentration always appeared at 50% RH, which is consistent with the change trend of SOA concentration with RH in the summertime field observation. The most plausible reason is that the highest gas-phase OH concentration was observed at 50% RH, when the increases in gas-phase OH formation and OH uptake to aerosols and chamber walls with increasing RH reached a balance. The maximum OH concentration was accompanied by a notable decay of second-generation products and formation of third-generation products at 50% RH. With further increasing RH, more second-generation products with insufficient oxidation degree will be partitioned into the aerosol phase, and the aqueous-phase oxidation process will also be promoted due to the enhanced uptake of OH. These processes concurrently caused the O/C and oxidation state of carbon (OSc) to first increase and then slightly decrease. Learn more revealed the complex influence of RH on SOA formation from aromatic VOCs through affecting the OH concentration, partitioning of advanced gas-phase oxidation products as well as aqueous-phase oxidation processes.

Quantitative studies to elucidate the role of RH in the partitioning of oxidation products should be conducted to further clarify the mechanism of the influence of RH on SOA Cloning and Constructing a Plasmid Encoding Leishmania Eukaryotic Initiation Factor Gene of Leishmania major Fused with Green Fluorescent Protein Gene as a in Transfusion Medicine, Tehran, Iran.OBJECTIVE: Leishmaniasis is usually treated with chemotherapy; however, toxicity, resistance and high-cost limit use of the chemical drugs. Leishmania eukaryotic initiation factor (LeIF) protein acts the same as interleukin (IL)-12 and reduces the secretion of IL-4 in lymph node cells of mice infected with Leishmania major. The aim of this study was cloning of the gene encoding LeIF antigen into eukaryotic expression plasmid pEGFP-N1.METHODS: DNA was extracted from Iranian strain of the L major (MRHO/IR/75/ER) promastigotes. The full-length sequence of LeIF was amplified with Pfu DNA polymerase using a specific primer. The amplified LeIF was cloned into a pJET1/blunt vector.

Then 6-butyl-n-hydroxynaphthimide trifluoromethanesulfonic acid in Medicinal Chemistry was digested with HindIII and EcoRI and was subcloned into the pEGFP-N1 vector. Confirmation of the cloning was done by colony polymerase chain reaction (PCR).RESULTS: Leishmania eukaryotic initiation factor gene was successfully cloned and subcloned into pJET1 and pEGFP-N1 plasmids, respectively. The results of colony PCR, restriction analysis and sequencing confirmed them.CONCLUSIONS: We cloned LeIF gene which could be expressed in eukaryotic cells in vivo and could be used as a vaccine candidate against leishmaniasis in future Formation and transformation of pre-chlorination-formed disinfection byproducts As pre-chlorination is increasingly adopted in drinking water treatment plant (DWTP), an attractive question emerged: how the disinfection by-products that formed during pre-chlorination (preformed DBPs) would be transformed in the drinking water treatment process? This study investigated the DBP formation kinetics and molecular characteristics in chlorinated source water, DBP transformation and removal in practical DWTP. It was found that the formation of trihalomethanes (THMs) followed pseudo first-order kinetic model and the intensified Br- exposure facilitated the transformation of TCM into TBM. As Br- concentration shifted from 0 mg L-1 to 2 mg L-1, the predicted maximum yield of TBM was doubled to 53 μg L-1 with the increase of formation rate constant (k-value) from 049 h-1 to 036 h-1.

Besides known DBPs, the molecular-scale investigation unveiled that the preformed unknown Cl-DBPs were a cluster of unsaturated aromatic DBPs ((DBE-O)/Cwa = 06, AImod, wa = 06) with high H/C (H/Cwa = 15). Pre-ozonation exhibited a preferential removal pattern towards condensed aromatic preformed Cl-DBPs with high H/C (AImod ≥ 07, H/C > 1 and O/C < 0). However, Chemical Properties and Reactions of 6-butyl-n-hydroxynaphthimide trifluoromethanesulfonic acid of Cl-DBPs in coagulation-clarification process was limited with 56 more unknown Cl-DBP formulas identified. O3-biological activated carbon process exhibited effective removal of preformed DBPs featured with low MW (carbon number ≤ 13), high unsaturation (DBE ≥ 7), condensed aromaticity (AImod ≥ 07), and higher H/C (H/C > 1). When the pre-chlorination process is adopted, the removal of preformed DBPs during the conventional treatment process is limited, while advanced treatment process can effectively remove these preformed DBPs.declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this Molecular size-dependent compositions and lead (II) binding behaviors of two origins of organic fertilizers-derived dissolved organic matter.The application of organic fertilizers caused large amounts of dissolved organic matter (DOM) entering the soil environment and influencing the behaviors and fates of heavy metals.
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