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A Step-By-Step Guide To Choosing Your Atlanta Birth Injury Lawsuit
Birth Injury Lawsuits

If your child suffers an injury that is serious during birth due to medical negligence, the effects can be a long-lasting issue. Our Atlanta birth injury attorneys can help families recover compensation for their long-term medical expenses and lost future income.

To build a strong case, we must demonstrate that healthcare professionals failed to uphold the highest standards of care. We gather evidence through eyewitness testimony, expert medical opinions, photos and videos.

Duty of Care

Medical staff and doctors who treat OB-GYN patients are required to provide patients with the highest standard of medical care. This obligation stems from laws that govern the healthcare industry as well as the rules and regulations established by medical professionals and professional institutions.

A doctor who fails to meet the standards of care could be held liable for injuries caused through their negligence. However an effective malpractice claim requires a thorough investigation and a solid case based on credible evidence, including medical documents and eyewitness testimony. A birth injury lawyer in Atlanta is familiar with investigating these cases and understands how to quickly gather information and efficiently, even though the evidence is still fresh.

In a Georgia malpractice lawsuit, the plaintiff needs to establish four elements one of which is) that the doctor had an obligation to adhere to the standard of care, 2)) that the breach occurred,) the breach of the defendant directly caused the injuries, and 4) damages were caused by the injuries. Establishing each element requires an expert witness. They are medical professionals with extensive experience and know-how in their area of expertise. A qualified birth injury lawyer will have a nationwide network of expert witnesses that they can rely on to testify.

Although most birth injuries are the result of medical negligence, it is not uncommon for doctors who are well-meaning to make mistakes that harm children. These mistakes could include mistakes in diagnosis or failure to recognize the signs of stress in the fetus and medication errors, surgical errors, or failure to perform an urgent C-section.

Often, the damage suffered by the child could be severe. A caring Atlanta birth injury lawyer can help these families receive the compensation they deserve for all of their troubles and losses. These losses could include medical expenses as well as loss of income, the cost of life-long medical and treatment in the form of pain and suffering and mental anguish.

Grant Law Office is dedicated to helping victims of medical malpractice, as well as their families, obtain the financial assistance they need to cover the future medical bills. This involves hiring medical and financial experts to assess future and current losses and then putting together a legal strategy to pursue the maximum amount of compensation.

Breach of Duty

A duty is a legal obligation that is borne out of an existing relationship. For instance, a duty to pay taxes or not rob. A medical professional who owes an obligation to you must act in your best interests. In a medical malpractice case failing to meet this standard can be called negligence. This is what causes birth injuries, which include cerebral palsy, as well as other birth-related disabilities.

To prove medical malpractice, the plaintiff (in this instance the child's mother) must demonstrate that the healthcare provider owed them a high duty of care and that the healthcare professional violated this duty by acting negligently. The breach must be connected to the injury suffered and the healthcare professional’s actions or inactions should differ from what other doctors would have done in similar circumstances.

atlanta birth injury lawyers of this is the doctor who does not request an emergency C-section if the mother and baby are in distress in the fetus. This is the most frequent type of medical malpractice that's alleged in birth injury cases.

Another kind of breach occurs when medical professionals act recklessly or exhibits poor judgment. Examples of this include putting in the wrong medication or not properly handling an operation. In a lot of cases it is possible to avoid negligence if medical professionals are aware of the dangers that could affect a pregnant patient.

A successful medical malpractice case can help families financially recover from a serious birth injury. Compensation could cover medical expenses as well as ongoing therapy, assistive equipment, and many other losses. Our Atlanta birth injury attorneys are available to assist victims receive the compensation they need. The amount you could be entitled to will depend on the extent and impact of your child's injuries. Our attorneys will carefully examine your case, gather the required evidence, and then determine the amount of damages you are owed. We will then assist you in negotiating a fair settlement. If a settlement is not reached then we will prepare for trial. Contact us today if you believe your child's doctor was negligent.


To bring a lawsuit against a healthcare professional for birth injury, you need to prove several legal elements. One of the most crucial elements is that a medical professional failed to adhere to a reasonable standard in their field of expertise. Expert evidence is used to prove this element of an action for medical malpractice. Atlanta birth injury attorneys will seek out the top experts in their field to build an argument that is convincing for their clients.

Causation is the second element in a medical malpractice case. This means that the negligent actions, or failures to act directly resulted in the victim suffering an injury. It is a crucial element and expert medical witnesses can provide evidence that the medical professional acted in a manner that was different from the accepted standards of care in their area, which caused the victim to suffer an injury.

In order to win a medical malpractice lawsuit, the plaintiff will also have to prove that their injuries are compensated under Georgia law. Compensation for medical malpractice damages can be a combination of economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages are awarded to pay for medical expenses, ongoing treatment, loss of quality of life, and loss of earnings due to time off from work. Non-economic damages are awarded to compensate for emotional suffering, pain and distress, and mental anguish related to the injury.

A skilled Atlanta birth injuries lawyer will examine the medical records to determine who is responsible for the injuries suffered by your child and how they could have been prevented. Depending on the circumstances the other healthcare professionals or even the hospital itself could be held accountable for the medical malpractice.

A dedicated Atlanta birth injury lawyer can assist parents whose children are born with a severe disability like cerebral palsy or an injury to the spine that is serious. They can also get financial aid to improve the quality of life for their child and pay future medical expenses. A lawyer will examine your case and file an argument that is convincing against the accountable parties. They know the science behind these types of injuries, the roles that doctors and hospital personnel have in them, and the consequences of a mishap can affect the future of your family.


Regardless of how well-intentioned doctors are, medical errors happen. The consequences of medical errors can be devastating for families. The injuries could alter their lives for the rest of their lives and leave them with a constant need for medical treatment and other costs that will never end. The damages awarded can assist in paying for these costs and also compensate them for other losses.

A family may bring a birth injury lawsuit to make the healthcare professional accountable for their error and seek financial compensation. The attorney handling the case will gather all pertinent information, including medical records. Once they have all the information, they will file the lawsuit with the court, naming the doctor and hospital as defendants. Following this, they will request an amount for a settlement, but there is no guarantee that they will accept one.

In addition to the economic damages, a family may be awarded non-economic or pain and suffering damages. These are intended to compensate for the emotional trauma and suffering that the child and his or family suffered. These settlements can be challenging to calculate, but a knowledgeable lawyer can negotiate an equitable settlement to compensate the child and/or parents for the losses they suffered.

Punitive damages are designed to penalize the party at fault for their egregious behaviour and deter others from engaging in similar conduct. They are rare in medical malpractice cases, but could be awarded if the jury is convinced that the defendant's actions were particularly egregious or reckless.

If you believe your child has suffered a birth-related injury due to the carelessness or negligence of a healthcare professional It is crucial to get in touch with an Atlanta birth injury lawyer as quickly as you can. There is a time limit called the statute of limitations, within which you have to file a birth injury claim and the lawyer who works on these types of claims is competent to tell you how much time you have left.

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