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14 Misconceptions Commonly Held About High Functioning Anxiety Disorder
High Functioning Anxiety Disorder

Millions of individuals struggle with anxiety that is high-functioning. They might appear to have their lives together--or even be labeled as overachievers--but underneath, they struggle with severe stress and anxiety.

They can't stop thinking They may not be able to sleep well and their health is impacted due to chronic stress. It's crucial to recognize that they need assistance, which is readily available through cognitive behavioral therapy and medications.


High functioning anxiety is a state where people are able to work and meet deadlines but are overwhelmed by a fearful energy they can't control. They appear professional and lead a busy social life, but inside they are terrified that they'll fail in their job or crumble under the pressure of their family and friends. They don't allow themselves to rest and are constantly striving to achieve their goals. This constant stress can be masked by their successes and achievements but can be devastating for their mental and physical well-being.

Overachievers are also reluctant to seek treatment for their conditions, as they fear that it will slow them or damage their career. They aren't looking to let anyone down, especially those who have praised their hard work. It is important to recognize that you have high-functioning anxiousness and that it can be treated.

Therapy and medication can aid in managing symptoms. Therapists employ techniques like cognitive restructuring and awareness-building to shift irrational belief that feed anxiety, and teach clients how to reduce their negative coping mechanism. People who have high-functioning anxiety typically react to criticism in a way that they take it in, so a therapist can teach them how to manage their emotions and accept failure.

Anxiety can lead to self-doubt and can cause insomnia, digestive issues, and a lack of motivation. It can also eat away at relationships and cause a feeling of loneliness. If you're a high-achieving person it is essential to seek treatment for your anxiety disorder.


People who have high functioning anxiety disorder tend to be overthinking. They may mull over conversations long after they have concluded or worry about the issues that could go wrong at an future event. This can lead to chronic stress and anxiety. It can also interfere with sleep and concentration. People who suffer from high-functioning anxiety are also more susceptible to hypochondria. This can lead to them to overdiagnose their health, and then worry they are suffering from a serious illness.

These individuals set high goals and have high expectations of themselves. Despite the positive feedback they receive they feel like they are always failing and will never reach perfection. They are constantly working and pushing themselves beyond their limits which can lead to burnout and exhaustion.

In addition to therapy, those who have high functioning anxiety can improve their coping skills by taking steps to manage their symptoms. For instance, they should, try to get enough sleep and eat a balanced diet. They should also avoid caffeine and other stimulants, as they can cause anxiety-related symptoms. Additionally they can seek help from other people who suffer from anxiety by attending therapy sessions in groups.

Psychotherapy is usually the first step to treat anxiety disorder s that are high-functioning, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). These types of therapy can help people understand the ways in which their thoughts and feelings are linked. They can also help them learn how to change negative thought patterns and respond to stressful situations in more efficient ways. People who suffer from high functioning anxiety may benefit from medications. Antidepressants such as selective serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs or SNRIs) and benzodiazepines can be used to treat acute symptoms.

Lack of self-care

One of the most common signs of anxiety that is high functioning is the lack of self-care. This can take many forms from not getting enough sleep to skipping meals. It can also mean avoiding people or places that can trigger anxiety symptoms. It can be a challenge for people with high functioning anxiety to recognize that they require assistance, as they tend to see their anxiety as positive characteristics such as perfectionists or fear of failing.

The first sign of high functioning anxiety could be a physical symptom like chronic migraines or digestive issues. It can also be coupled with an absence of enthusiasm for activities or work, or a constant feeling of unease. If these symptoms continue it is essential to consult a medical professional.

Even if the symptoms are moderate, it is crucial to consider them red flags. They are a signal that you need to seek medical attention. For example, an executive may find that their constant worries are making it difficult for them to sleep and contributing to fatigue and a weakened immune system. For instance, a student who has high functioning anxiety may discover that they are losing too much sleep and this is affecting their academic performance.

It is also important to set appropriate boundaries with people in your life who demand a lot of time from you. This could include family members, managers, or people who want you to do more than you're capable of handling. Limiting stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol, both of which can cause anxiety symptoms may also aid.

Fortunately, those with high functioning anxiety can be helped the same way that people with anxiety disorders are. This includes psychotherapy (talk therapy), lifestyle changes and, based on the severity of their symptoms, medication. This includes practicing mindfulness, self-compassion, and learning to avoid or challenge negative self-talk.

Lack of social support

Many people with high functioning anxiety are skilled at hiding their internal struggles. They carry on with their life's responsibilities and appear successful on the outside, but are unable to cope with their feelings of anxiety. If not addressed the anxiety can become chronic and disrupt daily functions. To alleviate these symptoms, it is crucial to seek out social support and practice stress management techniques. These include journaling, avoiding caffeine, and attending a support group to share your concerns with other people.

Anxiety can be difficult to manage. It can trigger many physical symptoms, such as headaches, insomnia, stomach issues, and fatigue. It can also affect your sleep. People with high functioning anxiety typically experience problems with relaxation and have a hard time paying attention to the tasks at the moment. They might also feel an unending feeling of self-doubt or anxiety that they've are letting others down.

Some high-functioning anxiety patients are reluctant to seek mental health care, believing that they are "not sick enough" or don't deserve the treatment. This is particularly the case for people suffering from ACEs which can have a lasting effects on mental health.

However, seeking treatment can be beneficial for high functioning anxiety sufferers because it allows them to better understand their anxiety and how to manage it. Treatment options include talk therapy like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and medication like selective serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). CBT helps patients alter their thinking patterns and recognize their distortions. It can also help patients to change their thinking and discover solutions to worries they have about the future.

The use of alcohol and drugs

Self-medicating through alcohol and other drugs is common among people who suffer from anxiety disorders that cause high functioning. Other options for relief include dietary changes and exercise, or decaf coffee. These strategies for coping do not provide a lasting solution. They can actually worsen anxiety symptoms and lead to addiction disorders. They can also trigger other health issues, including stomach problems and heart issues.

While anxiety that is high-functioning can appear to be a positive characteristic but it can have serious repercussions. Researchers have discovered that people who suffer from anxiety are at a greater risk of having a cardiac event. They are more likely to experience gastrointestinal problems and sleep issues. High-functioning anxiety can also affect their performance at work. They may feel a need to perform better than other people and can create tension and stress. This could cause unhealthy behaviors such as drinking and eating too much.

There isn't a universal solution to manage anxiety that is high functioning However, some strategies can aid. Meditation, mindfulness, and eating a healthy diet are a few of the strategies that could help. Journals can be helpful to identify patterns and triggers. Also, you should ensure that your stress levels are in control and seek professional assistance if necessary. Some people with high-functioning anxieties have a difficult time asking for assistance because they don't want to appear weak or incompetent. There are a lot of mental health services available that offer online counseling. Some of these services might even be completely free. These services could be an great alternative to traditional in-person treatments for those who can't afford them.

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