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- Third Estate (peasants & bourgeoisie); their representatives in the Estates General formed their own National Assembly after storming out
- Louis XVI, King of France during the period
- Marie Antoinette, Louis' wife
- Jacobins, radicals who wanted the creation of a republic
- Leopold II, Holy Roman Empire emperor (meaning essentially really just Austria) and Antoinette's brother
- William Frederick II, King of Prussia
- Maximilien Robespierre, radical Jacobin leader & extremely influential and key figure in the Revolution
- Napoleon Bonaparte, military commander and later FIrst Consul

- Tennis Court Oath: sworn by National Assembly dictating how they wouldn't give up until French constitution was established.

- Ancien Régime - system where the monarchy, nobles and clergy were granted more privileges in comparison to the Third Estate e.g. first two listed groups didn't have to pay taxes

- Declarations of Rights of Man and Citizen - laid out system of rights to liberty/property/security, applied to every person, integral to constitution

- Women's March - armed peasants women rioted in Versailles after a rumour was spread that Marie Antoinette was hoarding bread; they demanded for her & Louis XVI to move from Versailles to Paris which they followed through on

- Champ de Mars massacre: Jacobins had a petition drive which led to disorder. National Assembly controlled troops shot at the revolutionaries, killing 50 people.

- Declaration of Pillnitz: Prussia and Austria issue this, which promises to restore French monarchy
- Constitutional monarchy: government system where Louis XVI had to share political power with the National Assembly

- French Revolutionary Wars: military conflicts spanning from 1792 and beyond the French revolution where France were at odds with Austria, Prussia, Britain and other countries

- Reign of Terror: 16,000 perceived challengers to the revolution were sentenced to death by guillotine; this included Antoinette & Robespierre
- After the Terror, the Convention put a new constitution into place which provided a substantial amount of power to the wealthy

- France eventually won the wars against Britain & Austria, mostly because of Bonaparte
- Many coups & counter coups followed

- National Assembly established in June 17, 1789
- National Assembly seized Bastille Prison in July 14, 1789 as they viewed Louis XVI's troops to crack down on uprisings as a provocation

- National Assembly abolish most of Ancien Régime: noble privileges, unequal taxation & tithes (taxation provided for clergy) in August 4, 1789
- In August 26 1789, the National Assembly proclaim the Declarations of Rights of Man and Citizen
- October 5 1789, Women's March
- In July 17, 1791, the Champ de Mars massacre happened

- August 27, 1791, the Declaration of Pillnitz was issued
- September 3rd, 1791, Louis XVI reluctantly accepted French Constitution to form a constitutional monarchy

- April 20, 1792, France (Louis & the National Assembly) began the French Revolutionary Wars by declaring war on Austria, who Prussia allied with
- August 11 1792, Assembly suspended the monarchy following Louis' apparent support for the Prussians
- September 21, 1792, the Assembly abolished the monarchy & created a new republican constitution
- January 21, 1793, Louis XVI executed by guillotine as ordered by the now named National Convention

- September 5, 1793, to July 27, 1794 was the Reign of Terror
- In November 9, 1799, Bonaparte staged a final coup d'etat where he ended up being able to delcare himself as the First Consul of France, granting him unlimited executive power under another constitution

- Throughout France; some key places are Paris, Versailles & Bastille.
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