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10 Things That Everyone Is Misinformed Concerning Atlanta Birth Injury Attorneys
Atlanta Birth Injury Attorneys

Medical malpractice during labor and birth can be devastating for families. A Atlanta birth injury lawyer can help you establish an action if there is evidence that the healthcare professional violated their duty of care, and the malpractice caused your child's injuries.

These injuries usually require ongoing medical attention that can be costly. A lawyer can assist you to get compensation for these costs and other losses.


Healthcare professionals involved in the birth of your child are bound by an obligation to you and your baby to provide them with the best possible treatment. You could be able to pursue a medical malpractice suit when they fail to perform this obligation, resulting in an injury. An attorney for birth injuries in Atlanta can help you recover compensation for future and past expenses, as well as the mental and physical trauma you and your child were subjected to as a result of the accident.

Medical negligence can cause serious birth injuries for both mother as well as child. These injuries can result from a number of issues that include obstetrical issues, mother care during labor and birth and improper use of the equipment used to deliver. These injuries can have severe consequences for you as well as your child. They may range from minor ailment to permanent disabilities.

Our Atlanta birth injury attorneys will listen to your story and then review your medical records. We will determine whether your child's injuries were caused by medical negligence and, if so, we will investigate how they occurred. We will then work with the appropriate parties to create a solid case for compensation on your behalf. The amount of damages that you can be awarded for the injury your child sustained will depend on the extent of the injury and its impact on their quality of life.

There are two types of damages that you could be awarded in a medical negligence suit: non-economic and the economic. Economic damages are measurable costs like medical expenses and lost income while non-economic damages are intangible, such a pain and suffering. Your Atlanta birth injury lawyer will fight for the maximum compensation you are entitled to.

atlanta birth injury lawyer is a law firm that assists clients in a variety of areas of personal injury law, including birth injuries and injuries related to medical malpractice. The firm represents those who have been injured as a result of mistakes in medical centers, hospitals and nursing homes. The firm's lawyers have decades of experience helping injured plaintiffs receive fair and appropriate compensation.

Statute of Limitations

Many states have statutes or limits that limit the time you can make a claim. If you delay too long to file a lawsuit then it is likely your case will be dismissed. It's important to consult with a qualified Atlanta birth injury attorney as soon as you can to ensure that your case is filed in time.

Birth injuries are typically complex. They typically involve multiple parties which include nurses, doctors hospitals, hospitals, and equipment manufacturers. During pregnancy, labor and delivery, injuries can result from the negligence of medical professionals.

Expert witnesses can prove the malpractice of medical professionals by proving that the doctor failed to provide the standard of care expected of their specialty. Expert witnesses can prove that the actions of a doctor, or inaction, caused or contributed to the injury.

The standard of care is determined by circumstances and medical practices of the region. atlanta birth injury lawyers will carefully evaluate the evidence to determine if there is enough evidence to bring a lawsuit for medical malpractice.

A successful medical malpractice case could result in a substantial financial award to compensate you for the losses and injuries you've suffered. This can include compensation for future or past medical expenses and lost income, as well as pain and discomfort, and mental anxiety. A competent Atlanta birth injury attorney will be able calculate your damages and assist in recovering the maximum amount of compensation.

Although the majority of babies are born without complications, birth injuries can occur due to a variety of reasons. These injuries can have devastating effects on families. They can cause medical issues for life and cost thousands of dollars per month to cover educational and health needs.

Dressie Law Firm's Atlanta birth injury lawyers can assist. It can be difficult to comprehend how a medical error could occur during birth. Our legal team is committed to ensuring that justice and fair compensation are given to our clients. Contact us for an appointment.

Expert Witnesses

The injuries resulting from birth complications can have devastating consequences for the child and their family. These may include permanent disability, massive medical expenses and intangible losses, such as pain and suffering. Fortunately, the victims of such injuries can pursue legal remedies to obtain compensation from those who were negligent during labor and delivery. This could include bringing an action against the hospital or doctor responsible for the injury.

To prevail in a claim, the plaintiff has to show that the doctor violated his or her duty to follow the standard of medical practice or that the failure was the direct cause of birth injury. Expert witness testimony is frequently used to establish causality. Expert witnesses are medical professionals with years of knowledge of their field and knowledge of accepted practices within that specialty. A competent birth injury lawyer will be in contact with highly respected experts across the United States and be prepared to use them if needed in any case.

A seasoned Atlanta birth injury lawyer will evaluate the case thoroughly by examining medical records. They can also speak with expert witnesses. The lawyer will also identify all potential liable parties, such as doctors, nurses, hospitals and other healthcare providers.

Once the case has been fully evaluated an attorney for birth injuries will work with the insurance company or responsible party to achieve an acceptable settlement. If a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiations the attorney for birth injuries will be fully prepared to represent the client in court and use his or her extensive trial skills to make an argument that is persuasive before the judge and jury.

Children who suffer a birth injury may require medical and personal care that can be very expensive even with insurance. A birth injury lawsuit may assist families in getting the financial assistance needed to care for their child. Under Georgia law, parents of a child that has experienced an avoidable birth injury have two years from the date of the injury to file a lawsuit against those responsible for the injury.


If you believe that your child was injured during birth because of medical malpractice you may be entitled to compensation for damages including discomfort and pain, as well as future treatment costs, and lost wages. A reputable Atlanta birth-injury lawyer can look into your claim as fast as is possible and gather evidence to support your case. This includes expert opinions, witness testimony and hospital records. This information is required to create the strongest possible case against the hospital or doctor who committed a malpractice.

The most commonly reported kinds of birth injuries are brain damage, spinal cord injury, and Erb's palsy. These injuries are caused due to a reduced blood flow to the baby during labor and delivery or the absence of oxygen during the birthing process. Most of the time these injuries result from medical errors made by nurses or doctors, but they may be caused by the absence of equipment or procedures.

Although the majority of cases involve obstetricians, any health professional involved in the delivery could be held accountable for negligence. This includes nurses, anesthesiologists and even hospital staff. The hospital could also be held liable for not adhering to safety standards and guidelines.

Determining the extent of medical negligence is difficult, but there are some important indicators that suggest an injury to the birth may be appropriate. One of the most frequent causes is developmental delay in the child. These delays are usually caused by an issue with medical negligence during labor and delivery, and can lead to physical disabilities, as well as emotional and mental disability.

In some cases, an attorney for birth injuries may assist you in recovering your full damages. However these claims can be extremely complicated and time-consuming. A lawyer with experience can provide you with the financial and legal assistance you require to effectively deal with the medical complexities of the case. They can manage negotiations and paperwork with insurance companies to ensure that you get the maximum amount of compensation for your child's birth injuries. The time frame for resolution in these cases is different, but it typically ranges from six months to a year or more.

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