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Unexpected Business Strategies That Aided Kimbo Extra Cream Coffee Beans 1kg To Succeed
Kimbo Extra Cream Coffee Beans 1kg

The workhorse of Kimbo's bean range - strong and utterly dependable. This Robusta/Arabica blend sourced from Brazil, Central America, and Asia has a medium-roasted flavor. It has a fantastic crema and excels in Lattes, Cappuccinos, and Flat Whites.

It has a delicious, dense and slightly sweet crema that combines a wonderful flavor.

Product Description

This Neapolitan roaster's espresso extra cream blend is the most loved due to its strong flavor and rich crema. This blend is a combination of Arabica from Central America and South America, and Robusta from India. It has an opulent, fruity flavor with hints of spices and the licorice. It is perfect for preparation in the fully automated coffee maker, both as espresso and in combination with milk-based beverages such as cappucino and latte macchiato.

This blend of top-rated coffees is the ideal base for original Italian Cappuccino and Latte Macchiato, as well as a superb espresso. A delicious aroma and a slight sweetness compliment the delicious taste of this coffee, which is the base for the well-known coffee drinks that are popular in Italy. This is an medium-roasted blend of beans from Brazil, Central America and Asia with a well-balanced body that is suitable for all palates.


Kimbo Extra Cream is an aromatic blend of coffee beans that has medium roast. This classic Neapolitan coffee delivers a superb dense crema and is perfect for Latte, Cappuccino or other milk based drinks. The taste is mildly sweet, but pleasant and the aromas are subtle and refined.

This blend is the perfect option for milk-based coffee and is a favorite among many professional baristas. It has a balanced taste and hits the sweet/acidity mark. It is perfect for making creamy lattes and capspuccinos as it has a well-balanced aroma and a long-lasting crema. It also makes an incredibly flavorful, delicious espresso.

Kimbo coffee beans are carefully selected and blended for the highest quality coffee. The 1kg bag is ideal for offices or homes.

The packaging is made from recycled materials and is completely biodegradable. This helps reduce our environmental impact and is a great way to recycle.

We are committed in delivering high-quality products to our clients. Please contact us if are not happy with your purchase. We can discuss exchanging or returning your product. We are happy to help.


The roasting process is a meticulous and delicate art. Only the best ingredients are used to create an exquisitely balanced, rich and long-lasting crema. The result is an espresso that has an incredibly sweet taste and a heavenly aroma. It's ideal for making traditional espressos, cappuccinos and Latte Macchiato.

This special blend of beans from Brazil, Central America and Asia has a medium roast profile. This blend is ideal for coffee recipes that use milk, and is the preferred choice of professional baristas. The balance of Arabica and Robusta beans gives a taste that is delicate but powerful with a strong aroma. The perfect amount Robusta beans produces a rich creamy crema that enhances and gives the coffee a full body. This rich and fragrant blend has a medium caffeine level, making it the ideal espresso for those who prefer less energy from their morning cup of java.

Roasted in the tradition of classic Italian coffees this blend is a must-have for any coffee lover. Its distinctive mildly sweet flavor and the delicious aroma are the result of a careful selection of the raw materials and skilled roasting in Naples. Kimbo Extra Cream is the ideal blend for the original Italian cappuccino and latte macchiato, and also for espressos with a deliciously balanced flavor.

Kimbo Extra Cream represents the highest quality of traditional espresso and is the flagship of professional Neapolitan coffee. The unique and captivating taste is the calling card for a city in which coffee is more than an alcoholic beverage, but rather it is a way of life. It's an experience that should be shared.


Kimbo Extra Cream is the result of a thoughtful selection of raw ingredients. It creates the perfect balance between acidity and sweetness. A rich crema and a balanced body complete this blend with a touch of art that makes it a pleasure for any palate.

This blend is the core of the Kimbo range. It's a robust espresso base that punches through milk and is excellent in lattes and cappuccinos. Kimbo is the perfect blend for coffee shops who are looking to add a of Italian magic to their coffee offerings.

Kimbo is a great coffee for preparing espresso in fully automatic coffee machines, and as a component in milk-based specialty coffees such as cappuccino or latte macchiato. read page produce a creamy, delicious espresso. Its balanced flavor profile is a popular choice for coffee lovers.

The Kimbo Espresso Bar is a smoky espresso with a long-lasting crema, the result of a superb blend of Arabica and Robusta beans. It has an incredibly fruity, sweet flavor with notes of spice and hints vanilla. This coffee has a medium caffeine content, so it can be enjoyed many times throughout the day without feeling rushed. It is best served it in a large glass so that you can take in the aromas.

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