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SowlEye - Today at 2:09 PM
"A couple of people going Manhunt because they no lifed the game and got high-end gear, admittedly mostly before the phoenix credit cap, on unorganized, matchmaked parties with probably half the gear you have, does not mean that PvP is alive in this game"

You are saying as if this is something bad. When I last checked my affiliation I was playing in a hardcore-guild. You are also implying as if we did something wrong or it was unfair by us to get these phoenix credits. Everybody had the same chances, we didn't got early access or anything, we started like anyone else and were dedicated enough to get there first and get the gear. I don't see there is anything wrong about that. And the last part, we are being hunted by 12 people most of the time and playing every second of it is enjoyable because you need high tactical decisionmaking and not just gearusage to prevail. I don't really get you here what you want to imply.
We played the game. We like the game. We were dedicated. We got first. We still play the game as it was intended by the developers. We enjoy ourselves and our achievements as well as we enjoy playing. I don't think there is anything wrong about that and tbh I don't want to discuss this in public because your statement there is just ridicoulous. You are spiting on everything I fight for and stand for any why I am playing in this guild and in a try to defuse the situation you make fun of me in general chat? Do you really want to pick a fight with everyone here because you think you know it better?
HidekiG - Today at 2:11 PM
I was only defusing the argument of "PvP is alive", it is not, your argument between you and that other guy got to retard-level, so I stepped in and over-exagurated a point. Don't take it to heart, I couldn't care less what you do. If you're having fun, just do it. Take pride in what you want to take pride in, I don't care, it's all a matter of perspective. I'm not picking a fight with anyone, you should know this. You are the very person who told me not to change, you can disagree or agree with my statement.
I am not spitting on anyone either.
If you scroll up you'll see that every opinion I state has a reasoning behind it, and there have been multiple times where I've admitted to a wrong as well.
SowlEye - Today at 2:12 PM
I think I missjudged you
it's ok
HidekiG - Today at 2:12 PM
SowlEye - Today at 2:12 PM
"A couple of people going Manhunt because they no lifed the game and got high-end gear, admittedly mostly before the phoenix credit cap, on unorganized, matchmaked parties with probably half the gear you have, does not mean that PvP is alive in this game"
in this statement I can't see more then offense
HidekiG - Today at 2:13 PM
SowlEye - Today at 2:13 PM
If you scroll up you'll see that every opinion I state has a reasoning behind it, and there have been multiple times where I've admitted to a wrong as well.
HidekiG - Today at 2:13 PM
You cannot go around saying no offense while saying offensive things and then not get offensive statements back. I admittedly think it's a good thing you guys go manhunt. No matter how you do it, more dedication = good in my eyes.
But you stated that PvP is not dead.
That is what I argued.
It really kind of is.
You guys are a one of a kind.
As am I going solo rogue all the time.
We need more of you, Flo, me, peopel who like to PvP.
It is people who go manhunt that make DZ fun, the problem is that not enough engage in it.
I think PvP is dead, that's the only point I was trying to make.
Or rather, let me rephrase: hanging on to a thread.
SowlEye - Today at 2:15 PM
I am okay with getting offensive statements back, but not from some guy who hops into the discussion and thinks he's the reasoning-sheriff in the general chat
but from the guy I am discussing with
HidekiG - Today at 2:15 PM
I can respect that, but then please hold it in a private conversation
You two were not really having a discussion anymore at one point, it was rather just.. trying to lay down a hammer on top of each other.
SowlEye - Today at 2:16 PM
It's a matter of attitude
are you an admin all of a sudden?
are you clanlead?
oh wait
HidekiG - Today at 2:16 PM
Do I have to be?
SowlEye - Today at 2:16 PM
so what qualifications do you have to fuckin evaluate there
HidekiG - Today at 2:16 PM
Why would that give me the right to step in in a general chat?
SowlEye - Today at 2:16 PM
alright alright
HidekiG - Today at 2:16 PM
By being a human being with an opinion?
SowlEye - Today at 2:17 PM
it's ok you trying to fuck with me
HidekiG - Today at 2:17 PM
SowlEye - Today at 2:17 PM
Just do your thing, won't interfere
HidekiG - Today at 2:18 PM
I have absolutely 0 interest in fucking with anybody here, wtf are you on about
Alright then, lol
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