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Its just frusterating having my thoughts, all these ideas, all this knowledge. zooming outa this room, this city, this earth, this galaxy, infinity. Nothing ever ends. if u think it does, how? a border? whats outside the border? nothingness? nope. nothingness is something. Realizing uniqueness is so limited in the void of infinity. Creation too. In this universe eventually everything just a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy. It doesnt end. wondering if the copies end, and if theres ever just a void of black, forever, then realizing no because if it never ends it cant forever be darkness. Being on this small,small earth in the infinate abyss of creation. such a mind-fuck. the realzation of how limited a humans understanding of everything is. it so insane to me how people dont question ANYTHING. theres always a possibility were not even real at this point. Theres unlimited information about the universe out there. "humans are above all on earth". if we're the smartest,most advanced beings here, are we even real? humans are retarted as hell n its so wild to me. It just feels like im the only one here who thinks all this n actually questions stuff. having my mind. it feels like theres an abyss in my head. I hold so much realizations,that if i share, people loose thier minds. I know people too. People are so dull, so incredibly limited, its easy for someone like me to learn all the basic intentions and thoughts of people, since again, especially on earth, everyones a copy of a copy of a copy. Earth is the most limited source of everything. Information,creations,ideas. Everyone heres so simple, and im honestly jealous of people who dont question go to another level of thinking like me. When you think like i do, when you know what i know, everything looses its meaning and purpose. Its so frusterating having to act dumb to blend in, so people accept you,and humans need other humans. humans need human interaction. To fit in, you have to lie for peoples feelings to be safe. You have to be a follower of everyones beliefs n ideas. Everyones scared to actually be unique, start something new,share thier ideas,although the ideas might be stupid. You have to have that limited mindset. Its so tiring though,to act stupid that is. I partly gave up on that. Been in isolation for months. 0 friends, 0 people there for me. People avoid me. Im too honest, n people fear and dislike the truth. And what i hate more than anything are people my age. oh my god thier so fucking stupid. They know nothing.I tried getting some friends my age but bruh i dont give a shit abt ur body count, the drugs you use, the way you manipulate yourself into a lil dream world that revolves around you. i prefer to stick to reality. Also just realizing how alot of people see me. Young n stupid, because the fucking unevolved monkeys my age ruined everything. Maybe its because ive been lost in the back of my head for way too long. Been in the constant state of dissacotiation. It just feels like my councousness has been in the back off my mind, thinking about everything there is to think about,and when i snap back, i realize im still just young. Knowing n having all that on my mind, i still for some reason seem to want interaction with you.

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