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20 Resources That Will Make You More Successful At High Functioning Anxiety Disorder
High Functioning Anxiety Disorder

Millions of people suffer from anxiety that is high-functioning. They may appear to be happy and content, or even be called overachievers. But underneath, they're struggling with severe stress and anxiety.

They don't stop thinking They may not be able to sleep well and their health suffers because of stress. It is important to recognize the need for assistance. Cognitive behavioral therapy and medication are available.


People who have high functioning anxiety are able work and meet deadlines, but they're often engulfed by a tense energy they can't control. They appear professional and have a busy social life but are afraid of failing at their job or slipping under the pressure of friends and family. They are never able to take a break, and they constantly strive for perfection. This constant anxiety is often hidden by their successes and accomplishments but it can be devastating for their physical and mental well-being.

Overachievers may also be hesitant to seek help for their conditions due to the fear that it could slow them down or damage their career. They don't want to disappoint anyone particularly those who have praised them for their efforts. It's important to realize that you suffer from high-functioning anxiety and that it can be treated.

Therapy and medication can help patients manage their symptoms. Therapists use techniques like cognitive restructuring and awareness building to shift irrational beliefs that feed anxiety and help clients learn to decrease their negative coping mechanisms. People who have high-functioning anxiety typically overreact to criticism and accept it as a fact, and a therapist can teach them how to manage their feelings and become more accepting of the failures.

Anxiety can cause self-doubt, digestion issues, sleep disturbances, and a loss of motivation. It can also destroy relationships and cause a sense of loneliness. If you're a high-achieving person it is essential to seek treatment for your anxiety disorder.


People with high functioning anxiety disorders tend to be overthinking. They might ponder conversations that have not concluded or worry about the details that could go wrong during an future event. This can lead to chronic stress and anxiety. It can also interfere with sleep and concentration. People who suffer from high functioning anxiety are also prone to hypochondria. This could cause them to misdiagnose health problems and fear that they might be suffering from a serious illness.

These individuals have high expectations for themselves and set extremely demanding goals. They believe that they'll never achieve perfection, regardless of the positive feedback. They are constantly working and pushing themselves to the limits, which can result in exhaustion and burnout.

People who suffer from high functioning anxiety who are not in therapy may improve their coping skills by addressing their symptoms. For example, they should try to get enough sleep and eat nutritious meals. They should also limit caffeine and other stimulants that can cause anxiety-related symptoms. Additionally, they can seek support from others who have anxiety by attending therapy sessions in groups.

Psychotherapy is usually the first step in treating anxiety that is high functioning, specifically cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). These kinds of therapy can help people understand the ways in which their thoughts and feelings are interconnected. They can also teach them how to change negative thinking patterns and react to stressful situations in more efficient ways. People who suffer from anxiety disorders can benefit from medications. Antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs or SNRIs) and benzodiazepines may be used to relieve acute symptoms.

Lack of self-care

Lack of self-care is a hallmark of high functioning anxiety. This can take many forms, from not getting enough rest to cutting out meals. It can also be about avoiding people or places that trigger anxiety symptoms. It can be a challenge for someone suffering from high-functioning anxiety to acknowledge that they need help, since they may view their anxiety as positive characteristics, like perfectionism or fear of failure.

The first sign of high functioning anxiety can be a physical symptom that is chronic migraines or digestive issues. It can be followed by a loss of interest in hobbies, poor performance at work, or a constant sense of unease. If these symptoms continue it is crucial to consult a medical professional.

Even if the symptoms are mild, it is important to recognize them as red flags. They should be a warning sign that you require medical treatment. For instance, a manager might notice that constant anxiety is preventing him from sleeping and contributing to fatigue. For instance, a student who has high functioning anxiety may find that they are unable to get much sleep and it is negatively impacting their performance.

It is also important to set appropriate boundaries with people in your life who demand an excessive amount of your time. This includes family members, friends, or managers who demand you to take on more than you can manage. It could also be a matter of the restriction of stimulants like caffeine and alcohol, which can cause anxiety symptoms.

Fortunately, people with high functioning anxiety can be helped the same way that other individuals with anxiety disorders are. This includes psychotherapy (talk therapy) as well as lifestyle changes and, depending on the severity of their symptoms, medications. This includes practicing mindfulness, learning to practice self-compassion and staying away from or confronting negative self-talk.

Lack of social support

Many individuals with high functioning anxiety are adept at securing their internal struggles. They continue to fulfill their obligations and appear successful on the outside, but they may be unable to cope with the anxiety they feel. If they are not treated, these feelings can eventually become chronic and disrupt daily functions. To combat these symptoms, it's essential to seek out support from others and practice stress management techniques. Writing, avoiding coffee, and attending support groups to discuss your worries are all excellent strategies to fight these symptoms.

Anxiety can be difficult to manage. It can cause various physical symptoms, such as headaches, insomnia, stomach problems and fatigue. In addition, it may affect your sleep. People with high functioning anxiety often experience problems with relaxation and are unable to staying focused on the task at the moment. They may also feel a constant sense of self-doubt and fear that they're doing something wrong for others.

Some high-functioning anxiety patients are not inclined to seek mental health care as they believe they are "not sick enough" or do not deserve the care. This is particularly relevant for those suffering from ACEs that can have a an impact on mental health.

Treatment is beneficial for people with high functioning anxiety because it helps them better understand their anxiety and learn how they can deal with it. Treatment options include talk therapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and medication such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). CBT helps patients alter their thinking patterns and understand their distortions. It can also help the patient to reframe their thinking and discover solutions to the anxiety they feel about the future.

Addiction to alcohol and drugs

Self-medicating using alcohol and drugs is common among those who have high functioning anxiety. They may also try to get relief by dietary changes, exercise, decaf coffee or other methods. However, these coping strategies are not the best long-term solution. They can actually increase their anxiety symptoms and can result in substance abuse disorders. They can also lead to other health issues, including heart problems and gastrointestinal distress.

The presence of anxiety in high-functioning individuals may appear to be a positive trait. However, it can have grave consequences. According to research, those who are anxious are more likely to have a higher risk of suffering an attack on their heart. They are more likely to have stomach issues and sleep problems. The high-functioning anxiety can affect their performance at work. They may feel the need to perform better than other people, which can lead to stress and tension. This can result in unhealthy habits such as drinking and eating too much.

There is no single solution for anxiety that is high functioning. However, certain strategies can be helpful. Meditation, mindfulness, and an appropriate diet are just a few of the strategies that could aid. Using a journal can also be beneficial in helping you spot patterns and triggers. You should also make sure that your stress levels are under control and seek out professional help if necessary. It can be difficult for someone suffering from high-functioning anxiety to seek assistance since they do not want to be perceived as weak or as a failure. There are a lot of mental health services available, including online counseling. Some of these services may even be completely free. They can be a worthy alternative to in-person therapy for those who aren't able to afford traditional treatment.

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