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Hi, my name is Melanin and I'll be your trainer today. In this session, I'll be going over everything you need to know.

If you need to go AFK, that's fine, however I will not stop and wait, I will continue with the information.

There is also no need to talk during the training portion, as it can distract others.

The only time you should talk during the training portion is when I ask for questions.


Your job as a barista is to serve food and drink to customers and employees that request it.


When a guest comes to you, you'll need to greet them with a simple message.

You can create your own and customize it with emojis but here's an example:

" Hi, welcome to Bloxton Hotels. What would you like to order? "


We serve milkshakes, cappuccinos, hot chocolate, nachos, chips, churros, cookies and the daily special.

For churros, chips, cookies and the daily special, all you need to do is hold e (or tap) on the item.

When making a milkshake, you will hold e on a glass, run it into the milk, run it into the flavour, then run it into the blender.

When making nachos, you will need to hold e on a paper basket, run it into the tortilla chips, then run it into the cheese.

When making hot chocolate and cappuccinos, you’ll need to hold e on the respective cup and then run into the respective machine!

Once you have all of the items in your inventory, you will need to give the order to them using the hand-to tool.

Just type in a few letters of the player’s username, then click on their full username when it pops up next to hand-to.

OR you can type into the chat the following command with the item of choice held out: :handto username


Whilst at the hotel, you'll encounter trollers. We have a specific way to deal with them, I will go over that now.

A player should be given a reminder to stop what they're doing. If they continue, you can warn them via a command.

Trollers will be warned 2 times in total. To warn a player, say: :warn (user) (reason)

Here are examples of valid warnings:

:warn user Trolling
:warn user Trolling

Once they've received 2 warnings, you'll need security to cuff them. You'll then need to contact an MR, there's a few ways you can do this.

You can either: head to the group wall and request for an MR, or you can go to our communications server and request one there.

In the communications server, we have a ticket system specifically for contacting MRs.

You should post a brief message on the group wall, such as, "A troller received 2 warnings. Join through my profile." If you can't turn your joins on, ask someone else to call on the group wall.

There are some cases where people will receive no warnings and they should be cuffed right away. We call these major offences.

Here's a list of them: Major spamming, bypassing, exploiting, major glitching, inappropriate content...

...Discrimination, offensive usernames and association with exploiters.

Inappropriate content is an umbrella term to cover multiple offences e.g. inappropriate usernames, clothing, roleplay etc.

Major spamming is where someone will flood a chat.

3 paragraphs or long sentences would be considered major spam, and 6 small sentences or words would also count.

Bypassing: A player that manages to get around the Roblox chat filter.

Exploiting: Players using exploits to walk through walls, run really fast, fly, swim in the air, etc.

Discrimination: The unjust treatment of certain groups such as race, disability, religion, gender identity, or preferences.

An offensive/inappropriate username is when someone's username is targeted towards a user in a harmful way.

This also includes usernames that discriminate and bypass.

Major glitching is when someone has been kicked 2 times for glitching. When someone glitches, you should give them a warning.

Glitching is usually when someone equips and unequips an item quickly to get through an object.

Associating with exploiters means that you are using an exploiter to their advantage.

For example, if the person was to ask the exploiter to make them fly or teleport them somewhere.

Any questions about the warning system?


You are subject to any consequences if you don't follow rules.

You are not allowed to use morphs as an employee.

You must use grammar at all times unless you are speaking with a friend in whisper.

If there's a lack of employees in the server, you can request for more in the communications server.

As an employee, you're not allowed to go on breaks. You should always be on-task.

You should head to the employee area behind the housekeeping desk in order to go AFK.

If you need to be AFK for over 10 minutes, we suggest leaving and rejoining later on.

Customers can only order up to 3 items and there is a 5 second cooldown when giving each item.

Any final questions?

I will now hand over to the helpers. Good luck!
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Regards; Team

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