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A Brief History Of The Evolution Of Atlanta Birth Injury Attorneys
Birth Injury Attorneys

Birthing a child can be an exciting time. If medical professionals make mistakes during labor and delivery, it can be catastrophic.

You can, however, pursue legal action to hold negligent healthcare staff accountable. A birth injury lawyer in Atlanta can help make your case stronger and secure compensation for the damages.

Duty of Care

The birth of a child is among the most important events of life, however, it is also a risky time for both mother and baby. Because of this medical professionals have the responsibility of handling every situation with great care and precision. If they do not meet the standards, it can lead to terrible birth injuries to babies and mothers.

A doctor who does not be a responsible person during the birthing process could be held responsible for any damage that may result. These are referred to as medical malpractice lawsuits. atlanta birth injury attorneys involve a claim of compensation from the person who was injured. The amount of compensation that the plaintiff receives is typically determined by the severity of their injuries and the impact that they'll have on their quality of life.

In order to be found liable for negligence, there must be evidence that the defendant did not fulfill their duty of care. This evidence can be in the form of testimony from witnesses, medical records or expert testimony. The plaintiff must also provide evidence that the injury resulted from the defendant's breach of duty and that they would not have suffered it but for the defendant's error.

Infections or complications during labor and birth or mistakes made by doctors and nurses during labor are the most common causes of birth injury. A child's birth injury can lead to chronic health issues that may have a dramatic impact on their quality of life.

If you suspect your child has injuries from birth and you suspect that your child has suffered a birth injury, it is crucial to seek legal advice as soon as you can. A knowledgeable lawyer can assist you in determining who may be accountable for your child's injury and help you file a suit to recover compensation.

Atlanta Injury Law Group has extensive experience in representing victims of birth injuries. atlanta birth injury lawyer understand the science behind birth injuries, the role that doctors play, and how they can impact a child's future. Their knowledge of Georgia law and the court system is essential to help clients win their cases.

Breach of Duty

In the majority of instances the birth of a child is a joyful event. However there are occasions when medical negligence can lead to serious injuries. A Georgia birth injury lawyer can investigate your claim and help you bring a lawsuit. You must establish that the doctor violated their duty of care, and that the breach led to your injury. A breach of duty generally signifies that the medical professional acted negligently and did not follow the standards of care expected of doctors in your field. Expert witnesses are often able to help establish this element.

birth injury atlanta of healthcare professionals are liable for medical malpractice. However, doctors are commonly the defendants in lawsuits for medical malpractice. Other healthcare professionals, like nurses, midwives, and other healthcare professionals, could also be defendants. In a medical malpractice case it is necessary to show that the healthcare provider was accountable for your injuries and that they committed a negligent act. A skilled Atlanta birth injuries lawyer will investigate your case and determine who may be liable for the injury.

A successful medical malpractice claim must show that the healthcare professional breached his or his duty of care, which was the primary reason for your injury, and that you suffered damages as a consequence. Damages could include medical costs and lost wages, as well as future treatment costs, and the pain and suffering. A skilled Atlanta birth injury lawyer will work with economic and medical experts to calculate the total amount of damages you are entitled to.

Examples of medical malpractice that can occur during pregnancy include:

Medical negligence can cause many different kinds of injuries. Acute injuries to the shoulder and shoulder dystocia are two of the most commonly reported. Other injuries include cerebral palsy which is a condition that arises from the deprivation of oxygen during the birth process. Low bone density and lung diseases could also be complications. A family member or a victim member can file a medical negligence lawsuit on behalf of a victim. In a lawsuit for medical malpractice, the plaintiff will be awarded compensation for their losses.


The birth of a baby is a significant occasion however, it also comes with significant risks. A doctor is required to monitor the health of the pregnant woman and her baby, as well as to deliver the baby in a way that reduces the risk of injury or death. A medical professional may be held accountable for damages in the event that they fail to meet this duty.

A qualified Atlanta birth injury lawyer can help families obtain compensation for past expenses, future medical costs, and other economic losses. They will also work to secure damages for a child's suffering and pain, in addition to the reduced quality of life that results from their injuries. In rare cases, a jury may award damages that are punitive or exemplary in response to the medical professional at fault's extreme inattention or negligence.

The medical malpractice attorneys at Finch McCranie LLP fight for families of children who have suffered from birth injuries. They are knowledgeable of the medical and legal aspects of these cases, and can communicate with accountable healthcare service providers to obtain financial compensation for victims. The firm also handles personal injury cases, such as dental negligence and anesthesia errors.

Medical negligence lawsuits can be a challenge, especially when the accused doctor has hired aggressive defense lawyers who will do everything possible to deny responsibility. A knowledgeable Atlanta birth injury attorney by your side can make all the difference in prevailing your case.

The medical malpractice attorneys at MG Law represent injured patients in Atlanta and across Georgia. They have more than 55 years of experience fighting for the rights of victims. Their team of highly experienced lawyers is aware of the complexities involved in these cases and will work tirelessly to ensure you receive the justice you are entitled to. They also handle different types of personal injury cases, like nursing home abuse. Contact them now to schedule a a consultation with one of their attorneys. They will look over your medical records and give you an honest assessment of your situation.


When a baby suffers a birth trauma due to medical malpractice, it can have devastating effects on the child and his family. As parents seek treatment for their injured child and receive treatment, they often are faced with a huge financial burden. A medical malpractice claim can help a family get compensation for past and future expenses.

To prove medical malpractice, you need to demonstrate that the healthcare professional responsible violated their duty of care. This breach caused the plaintiff's injuries. This is usually accomplished through expert witness testimony in birth injury cases. The experts will give insight into the accepted standards of care within their area of expertise, and describe how the actions of a healthcare professional were in violation of this norm of care.

After the expert witnesses give their testimony, you need to show that the deviation caused the injury. The injury must also be a direct consequence of the healthcare professional's breach. The next step is to prove the economic and non-economic losses that were incurred due to the injury. The economic damages include the future and past medical expenses related to the injury, as well as any loss of income or reduced earning capacity due to the impact of injuries. Non-economic damages include physical and mental discomfort, as well as the loss of enjoyment and other losses similar to those.

In addition the punitive or exemplary damages can be awarded in instances when the healthcare provider's behavior was especially egregious and untypical. These damages are designed to punish the at-fault party and deter others from making similar mistakes again in the future.

It is crucial to contact an Atlanta birth injury lawyer right away if your child was injured at birth due to medical malpractice. In Georgia there is a deadline for filing a lawsuit for birth injury. In the event of a delay, it could result in you not receiving compensation. Our attorneys have the medical expertise and legal expertise required to successfully pursue a medical malpractice claim in this thorny area of law.

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