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It was a normal stormy day at a not so normal school. A class of students were sitting in their earth science class learning about weather and dully taking notes as the teacher rambled on about cold fronts and thunderstorms. In this class, sat three troublemakers at the back table. "Uhg, this class is so BORING!!!" Zip pleaded as thunder rumbled in the distance, "Is it almost break time yet :(?" "Zip, we've literally only been here for 10 minutes," Oliver said while scrolling on his phone, which was half hidden under their desk. Zip sighed and moped for a brief moment before directing her attention to Edward, who had his head laying on the desk, dozing off. "HEY ED!!" Zip proclaimed in her usual, high energy, loud voice, making Edward jump in surprise. "AH- oh... what's up?" Zip giggled a bit in reaction. "pffft- enjoying your nap, bedhead Ed?" Zip joked in a mocking tone. He sighed and blushed a bit in reaction to the name calling. In an annoyed, agitated voice he says, "Well I WAS" he sat up in his chair and dusted some crumbs off the table they were sitting at "until SQUEAKY TOY over here woke me up." "Hmph" Zip briefly pouted before continuing, "ANYWAYS! Ed, I'm bored." "...okay?" Edward responded. "Fix it." zip said sassily. "Man, how am I supposed to fix your boredom??" Edward said, half sarcastically, half genuinely curious. "I dunno..." Zip paused for a moment. "MAKE THE POWER GO OUT!!!" Zip exclaimed with a big dopey grin. Oliver makes a smug grin with his eyes still on his eyes still on his phone "yea Edward, make the power go out." Edward gave him a big loud sigh in response and gives Zip a look. Zip looks back, smugger. "It's easy to cut out the power, just do it with your mind" Zip joked as she pointed her fingers to her head "all you have to do is this" She presses her fingers to the sides of her head and tightly shuts her eyes. A few moments of silence passed before Edward boredly said, "How on earth is that supposed to-" He was cut off by a loud beep from the announcement box and the classroom going pitch black. Well, almost pitch black, there was a window behind where they were sitting, but it was so dark outside it didn't do much to light the room. Oliver looks up from his phone and a look of confusion and pure shock goes across his and Edward's faces. There were few moments of stunned silence between the three friends and the whole classroom, eventually cut off by cheers from pretty much everyone in the class except Oliver and Edward, who were still in a state of pure confusion and utter shock. "wh- h- WHUt-" Began Edward, who was immediately cut off by Zip's celebrating "WHO CARES? POWERS OUTT!!!!!" Zip exclaimed, jumping out of her seat. "Oh my god zip cut the power out..." Oliver mumbled under his breath before getting approached by Kevin. Kevin started going on one of his rants, "Erm, ACTUALLY the school's electricity was vanquished due to the lighting discharge of the storm outside, if you were paying attention, you would know were experiencing the effects of a low-pressure cold front and-ah!- hey- stop that-" His yapping was cut off by zip starting to throw paper balls at him as the other two laughed. "Nah, I did it." Zip said with a smug, mischievous face. The Teacher cleared her throat, getting everyone's attention and began to speak, "Ok- everyone settle down. We will have to resume class tomorrow due to the power outage; you may go ahead and have your free time-" WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Zip interrupted excitedly. "Ahem" said the teacher as Zip sat back down, continuing with what she was saying, "You may have your free time, but you must stay in this room until I hear otherwise from the office, who I'm going to talk to now, NOBODY LEAVES THIS ROOM." She walks out the room and firmly shuts the door behind her. Zip sighs disappointment "Aw man, no pool..." At the same time, Edward sighs in relief "ahh, no pool." "Still traumatized from *last time*, Edward?" Oliver says sarcastically. Edward turns and looks at him with a 'dead Serious' expression on his face and says, "SHE HIT ME. WITH A BOAT." He was interrupted by Zip giggling like a gremlin in the background. "I WAS IN THE NURSE'S OFFICE FOR THE REST OF THE DAY!!!" Zip kept laughing, kicking her feet on the edge of her seat until a loud boom of thunder struck, and she jumped and fell on the floor in surprise. Edward and Oliver burst out laughing as Zip lays there, stuck in between chairs and the desk in an awkward position with a grumpy face. Edward reaches out his hand to help her up while still chuckling. Zip stares at his hand hesitating for a minute. She grabs his hand but as he was trying to pull her back up, he loses his balance and falls directly on top of her. Causing Oliver to laugh even harder. They lie there for a moment, in flustered silence before Zip yells "GET OFF MEEEE!!!!" Followed by Edward "IM TRYING!!!" Oliver pulls out his phone camera to start recording them flailing around, he's laughing so much that he's in tears now. After much awkward struggling, they manage to get back up and to where they were sitting. They continue chatting like usual until the teacher walks back into the room with an exhausted and somewhat worried look on her face. "Okay class" she says cautiously "The roads are closed due to the storm, so unless you can get a parent to pick you up you have to stay here until the storm clears up..." She sighs and under her breath mutters "I don't get paid enough for this..." as she walks back to her desk. This was met by mixed reactions from the students. Some were happy some were concerned some were upset, however upon hearing this information Zip's entire face lit up. "SLEEPOVERRRR :)" she said in a hushed whisper. She turns towards Edward and Oliver and asks, "Are you guys staying? You BETTER BE STAYING" "Well, I'm not driving in this weather" Oliver replied. "How about you," he said, regarding Edward, "Your parents picking you up?" He winced briefly. Then replied "pshhh, they wouldn't care if I was outside in the storm right now..." His tone sounded joking but the look on his face wasn't. Zip scoots her chair closer as if considering giving him a hug, but instead quickly changes the subject. "SO. What do you guys wanna do? Truth or dare? Arts and crafts? SUMMON A GHOST?!" This makes Edward chuckle a bit and Zip looks pleased with herself. "Spin the bottle?" Oliver suggests jokingly. The other two look at each other than reply almost simultaneously "NO." "Where would we even get a bottle?" Zip said, followed by Edward "Plus, you can't play spin the bottle with just three people, and besides, you'd just complain about Allice not being here. Oliver frowned and then picked back up his phone. "Aw man," he complained, "The WIFI's out :(" "Well yea," Edward replied sassily, "What'd you expect? THE POWER IS OUT." "Darn, well what do you guys wanna do?" Oliver said, disappointed. "I JUST SAID THAT!!" Zip yelled back "wait... CAN WE LEAVE THE ROOM NOW?" She yelled toward the teacher, who was moping at her desk drinking coffee. "suree...." The teacher sluggishly said, "Just don't leave the building." Zip jumped up from her seat "WOOOOO!!! guys can we PRETTY PLEASE GO TO THE POOL?!?!" Edward gave her a look and in a mocking voice responded, "Guys can we pretty please not hit me with a boat again?" "Oh, that was ONE TIME. but sure" Zip said "I won't use my boat again, besides it's not as fun without Chip, Mom kept him home today." Edward hesitated a bit before responding "...Sure. okay. yes, we can go to the pool, as long as Oliver is fine with it." They both turned towards Oliver, who was half paying attention to the conversation. "Uh yea, sure, pool. when are we going?' "NOW." Zip replies impatiently with a silly grin. The three grabbed their bags and head down the locker room to get changed and grab some towels.
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