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* LemonyNarrator: In the opening, Żeleński narrates in a third person the post-party mess in a dry, deadpan manner, constantly LeaningOnTheFourthWall.
* ActorAllusion: Tomasz Kot playing Dr. Żeleński, after playing [[ Zbigniew Religa]] in ''Film/{{Gods}}''. Including jokes about OpenHeartDentistry.
* HowWeGotHere: The first act (and the opening in particular) is about Żeleński trying to figure out what the hell happened and why he's even in Zakopane in the first place
* {{Flashback}}s and {{Imagine Spot}}s: Both are liberally used to show events the main characters managed to recall when their hangover subdues and when they question various other people for their version of events. [[UnreliableExpositor They are rarely a reliable source of information]].
* MatchCut: There is a HardCut between Witkacy partying and him being asleep behind the exact same table in the exact same spot in the next morning.
* HistoricalInJoke: The basic premise of the story is to pile up as many as feasible for the 15th of May 1914, including cramming various famous Poles (and a particular [[UsefulNotes/VladimirLenin Russian duo]]) to Zakopane.
* ShoutOut: Both Conrad and [[spoiler: "Boy" Żeleński]] are naturally quoting various of their works.

yes man: malinowski
gratitous foreign: sometimes conrad blurts a word or two in english; there are dialogues in french and russian
real life has no subtitles: at least in polish relase, the foreign languages are left untranslated
lovable jerk: witkiewicz is kind of a cunt, but he's still a good chap
just the stupid accent: the gendarme is speaking with the german accent, compounded with gratitous german
firing gun to silence people:
** the gendarme eventually gets fed up with everyone clumsily [holding the floor], so he fires in the roof and gets them all to face the wall
** witkacy does it on the top of kasprowy wierch
tap in the dead: with one of its kind bust of zamoyski
i'm a doctor, not a placeholder: inverted for some dark laugh. żeleński is a doctor all right - a pediatrician. so doing an autopsy is as far as feasible from his field
i'm standing right here: three people are gossiping about witkacy at the coach stop, while he is just few steps away and can clearly hear them; eventually he's so fed up, he scares them off by playing on his reputation of an unhinged mad artist
mad artist: witkacy has a reptutation to maintain
catch phase: "you want X or to hang?" becomes one for conrad
rashamon: witkacy and malinowski ask one by one various characters who killed żeleński (who is alive, btw) and each tells different story, repositioning and repurpousing the others
hypocritical humour: witkacy calling the local coterie of actors a bunch of drunks and junkies
news about my death have been exageratted: żeleński is obviously alive and well, yet spends half the plot to figure out the hell is going on and everyone thinks he was shot dead
talking through interpreter: witkacy won't talk with szymanowski directly and forces malinowski to pass his words to him, despite szymanowski standing right next to them
dude where is my respect: szymanowski is given shit by just about everyone for being "pseudo-chopin"
innocently insensitive: piłsudski in particular comes off as this toward szymanowski, since he has no clue about music, but tries to strike a conversation anyway
imperial stormtrooper academy: piłsudski's riflemen can't hit a stationary practice target from 50 paces, despite training for months
oh crap: witkacy i malinowski when they realise they gave - while high as kites - the money they had for the expedition to piłsudski for weapons
literal metaphore: doktor żeleński! z nieba mi pan chyba spada!
schmuck bait: the "giń śmieciu pps" and "giń kapitalisto lenin" cards
card-carrying villain: almost literally so
just before war: 15 may 1914
what you are in the dark: discussed extensively by żeleński and conrad; conrad brings a story about him and a boatswain being the two last remaining people in congo, dying of malaria - and there was only one bottle of quinine left, but each of them having their knives
--> ja tu jestem, nie on
leitmotif: lenin has one on balalayka, it gets constantly cut down
black comedy: lenin trying to balance out his holidays in the mountains with Nadieżda vs. his revolutionary work
--> nadiusha my dear, we will shoot them quicly and i'm all yours again
future famous people: it's 1914, both piłsudski and lenin are pretty much nobody
malaproper: "do dwóch razy sztuka" - discussed as żeleński corrects lenin on reflex
foreign language tirade: nadieża starts in polish, but then quickly switches to russian her explainations why boy has to die
in love with your carnage: lenin and nadieżda are turned on by the prospect of starting a bloody revolution
more deadly than a male: nadieżda is both the brains behind the operation and has zero remorse or scruples - she kills an old man just to make a point (even when she's wrong)
in-universe soundtrack: the highlanders are playing kalinka, which annoys krupska to the point she murders one of them
i need a freaking drink: without breaking a stride, żeleński takes a swing of a vodka already poured from someone else while negotiating for his own life with lenin
short span: all set in a single day of 15th may 1914; even if flashbacks are included, the story barely adds extra few hours.
seen it all: the gendarme commendant is there for 5 years, which means he's used to the sort of mess and crazyness that's happening in zakopane
boheme commune: zakopane, naturally
cry wolf: since the gendarme commendant has to deal with crazy stories on regular basis, he doesn't believe żeleński's story about russians keeping conrad captive
gilligan cut: żeleński threatens the commendant he won't leave... cut to him being walked out of the station by two gendarmes
cruel and unusual death: the two thugs after żeleński, thinking they are seeing a ghost: one gets a hilarious heart attack, the other is run over by a carriage while running from the site
love at first sight: johan and marysia; she proceeds to fuck his brains out while he's still chained to the stove
screw the rules, i have connection: count zamoyski wants to hear the reading by boy, so the gendarmes escort him there from the arrest; heep in mind they arrested him for a murder
sophisticated as hell: count zamoyski and his bardzo proszę wypierdalać (because that's witkacy dressed up)
viewers are geniuses: the reading żeleński gives? that's his actual text, ''our occupiers'', which is a collection of essays against everything he throws at the audience
the reason you suck speech: żeleński eventual reading
blown across the room: żeleński takes a bullet from a bolshevik that tosses him like a ragdoll, breaking the big-board of the stage set behind him in the process
accidental murder: malinowski dispatches the bolshevik sniper by pure accident, scaring the man by sneaking on him, so he panics and falls off the balcony
know when to fold them: the two gendarmes simply decide to leave the theatre and arrest whoever will come out of it alive, rather than getting mowed down by announcing their presence
bigger stick: piłsudski and his [czehov machine gun]; the bolsheviks just stop shooting when they see him behind the gun on a tripod, surrendering
pocket saver: candid by voltaire
stealth kill: the two bone-crackers after żeleński killed boy this way - they walked past him, put two bullets into him (using a champagne cork firing to muffle it further) and just walked past the guy as he fall flat
sword cane: conrad's, which is also absurdly sharp (he cuts two mooks in a single swing)
happy ever after: a marysia wyszła za johana i żyli krótko i szczęśliwie
where are they now ending
conman: the marquis de boy is a fraud and impostor
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