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Emily: I had terrible parents too, but then I got adopted into a family, and they were the sweetest people I've ever met. They showed me what people could be, how they can be so kind, so generous, so selfless and caring. (Yes,) (there are) Bad people (exist everywhere), but there are good people (in this world) too, and I want to protect them.

the difference between Casey and Owen is that Owen is a sociopath (he's depressed), he kind of shows what Casey could become and how he fully accepts that they are seen as thugs and garbage to be disposed of, he's a depressed nihilist with few friends who is functional but keeps to himself, there's a clear distance between Owen and Casey which even when they were living in same family, Owen kept to himself and always saw Casey as just a person who happened to be staying over, never really as someone to emotionally connect with. He only talked to her when he recognized that he could use her to help start getting into the drug industry and making fast money (maybe even for his own purposes, to like buy cheap stuff or something).

comments and all for: (psychopath vs sociopath from wellness lenses)
Hello! As an actual, diagnosed Psychopath, I must say it is always nice to see things like this that actually talk about us in a non "They're all evil murderers" light. Sure, I don't really care about anyone I meet, and may seem as though I'm from a different species at times with how I look at the world; but that doesn't mean I (and others like me) can't train or practice forms of mental and social conditioning to help offset our differences.

1 year ago
I was diagnosed with aspd as a kid, made to go to counseling and anger management for a year but my counselor told me flat out I was a psychopath, not even conduct misbehavior, though this was the early 90s. But I know they were wrong. The entire reason I was in that place was because I was tired of being bullied for years and finally stood up for myself. Prior I didn't care because my home life was worse but I only realized it got worse and worse with time, they got too used to talking to me and treating me like shit and when it went to physical bullying I didn't snap per se, I just knew i needed to deal with it. I wasn't angry at all. I didn't resent them for it. It was purely practical. I got expelled from school and one of the kids mom's tried to sue me and my family. But in court when the truth came out I was reinstated into school and even though the judge told the kids mom she was lucky my family wasn't suing them instead he still forced me into counseling and anger management. Since I was a kid though the diagnosis didn't go on my record.

In truth I nearly killed one kid. Fractured his skull and gave him several deep lacerations from banging his head into the concrete floor. In reality I'm a mix between autism, psychopathy, and sociopathy. I have traits from them all.

I was born like this but my environment influenced me to prioritize myself. I dislike lying even if it's for good, because lies are easily uncovered down the road. It has nothing to do with guilt, because lying in the first place is ego oriented. Empathy and apathy. I have emotions and feel them like the next person does, I just don't let them influence my decisions. I try to think about things logically and rationally. I was also raised by my grandparents without a mother or father figure with all my cousins around because my grandparents was basically an orphanage for their grandkids. I was physically and sexually abused from a young age and mentally as well. Spoken about like the apple of someone's eye while in public but treated like a burden or a tool in private.

Either way the difference between them is just the argument one was born and the other made. I wasn't born violent or hateful, but I did realize from an early age the contradictions and hypocrisy of human nature. I still don't consider myself violent or hateful either, truth is I don't care enough about anyone to hate them. Pure and simple. Emotions make you weak and easy to control. Slaves to our whims.

Most consider me sneaky, creepy, too judgemental or an asshole because "you have too high of standards!" In reality I don't, you just have no standards at all.

People are tedious and liars, lying to themselves the most out of anyone. All we care about is ourselves. How we appear in others eyes. Believing our own narratives regardless of what reality is showing. We have higher expectations on others than we do for ourselves. We fault others for not being knowledgeable enough, for not having foresight, awareness, dedication, and even in some cases fault them for not being psychic. But where's that same level of self expectations? Why are we so quick to judge and to try and label others but immediately get pissed when it happens to us? It's unfair, isnt it? The lengths we will go to to lie to ourselves are the real mental illness.

We are just a product, both in the sense that we are made by our surroundings and societal expectations but also because we market ourselves to make a living. At least, we are supposed to. Humanity is a resource and has always been. So we delude ourselves into convincing ourselves we are different or unique. Have the superior genetics or traits, are the originals while everyone else is just fake. And we distract ourselves in anyway we can to avoid acknowledging that life is cruel and unfair, because we all eventually realize it's better off happening to someone else instead of me personally. Another lie, the copium isn't based on sense. It was always emotions that have shackled us, and always another person like us holding the leash and using that as a tool for their own gain.

It's easier to believe our own narratives instead of stopping and taking in the truth of our reality. Escapism is the only way life becomes pleasurable.
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