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Mr. Speaker, distinguished colleagues, fellow citizens

Today I want to talk about a basic idea: the difference between nation and state. These two concepts are often used interchangeably in our world but they have very different meanings for us as individuals living within communities and also globally. Nation – What does it mean? A nation is not just a place on the map with boundaries drawn around it; rather nations are made up of people who share common history, culture language etcetera… It is a collective consciousness that connects individuals together through shared sense of belongingness or destiny. Our country is all that we have been through together- both good times and bad times; it serves as light which guides us towards becoming one community.

However, national must be accompanied by Government. The state represents political power; but what does this mean? This means that government controls everything regarding our lives from making sure laws are followed up to giving necessary services like education among others. At large it involves how we manage ourselves politically thus expressing national will through democratic processes and institutions. Speaking of, I will discuss the problems that our beloved Philippines is currently facing and why we should strengthen both the state and nation.

To begin with, we must recognize the politics of this land. Our system may be democratic but it is also true that there are a lot of corruptions and inefficiencies within our political institutions. A few people’s interests often overshadow those of many creating among citizenry a sense disillusionment towards governance itself. We need to work towards transparency, holding leaders accountable ethically so as to regain confidence in democracy among all Filipinos whose voices must always count for something.

Each day, the space between rich and poor grows larger. It is wrong for us not only to acknowledge such imbalances but also work towards bridging them. This means helping those who are most in need and giving every Filipino an equal chance to thrive in life. Additionally, economic challenges facing our country cannot be ignored when discussing its condition.We have a fragile economy which even though endowed with many natural resources remains weak due to unemployment among other issues like inflation.Also lack of job opportunities has made people lose hope thus leading into underemployment while prices continue rising beyond what majority can afford thereby dragging behind the whole country’s development process; hence we should create an enabling environment for investment so as to create more jobs while promoting business growth through innovation

On another note, socially speaking; poverty inequality social injustice none these can afford to slip through cracks when they occur within our communities or even nationwide too. Inadequate housing education healthcare systems combined with low salaries make life unbearable for majority citizens who live under such conditions every single day. Finally, there is no doubt that the journey ahead may be rough but filled with potentials and opportunities too.As leaders elected by citizens of Philippines it is our duty to serve them well by working together irrespective whether one belongs to opposition or ruling party since what matters most is building better nation where everyone can live happily ever after.
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Regards; Team

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