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14 Businesses Doing A Superb Job At Double Ended Dildo
How to Choose and Use a Double Drildo

Double dildos are great for couples with a kinky brain and a jolly sense of adventure in the bedroom. Couples who are gay or lesbian enjoy playing with a silicone double-headed dildo since the extra length allows them to lie, stand, or sit in various positions, while still being able reach their vaginas and anuses.


When selecting a double diddle, there are a variety of factors to consider. It is important to consider your experience and personal preference as well as the purpose of. You might want to start by using a smaller dildo, and progressing to an even larger one if you're doubtful about double dildos. Remember that double dildos are able to be used both internally and externally. If you're using it for external use, select one with a curly design and bulbous features for the best stimulation.

Most double dildos are created out of non-porous material, such as glass, metal and silicone. These materials are perfect because they are easy to sterilize. Porous toys, on the contrary, may harbor bacteria within them and cause an infection. Additionally, some toys are pliable and may cause obstruction to the ducts in the vagina or the anus.

Make sure you read the product descriptions prior to buying a double dildo. Some dildos have fixed in the shape of a 'C', while others can be adjusted and placed in various ways. The nJoy Pure Wand provides a good illustration. It's long enough for partner play and can be used in a variety of positions. It also comes with two different size ends to give different sensations. The nJoy Pure Wand is also coated with a slick coating that makes it simpler to clean and to lubricate. When playing with a double dildo, it's essential to use top-quality water-based grease.


It's enjoyable to utilize a double-ended dildo for an instrument for anal penetration, but it requires some attention and lubricant. You can determine the ideal position for your body type by testing. A dildo with an extended handle will make it easier to reach the anus without having to bend over or risk injury.

In a play with partners, a double-penetration dildo can bring a whole new level of enjoyment for both partners. Many women have reported that they feel as if both anal and vaginal penetrations are happening at the same time through a single do. This was not possible with the standard strap-ons. For a more intense experience try having your partner kneel on all fours and then bring them into a semi-crab posture by holding them with their hands and feet. This position allows the toy to thrust back and forth across both orifices, thus increasing the power of the impact.

When using a double-ended dildo when playing with a partner, make sure to use condoms on both ends of the toy. If you're not careful you could transfer STIs between partners. You should also not interchange the ends of the dildo between your uterus and your vagina. It is crucial to be in touch with your partner whenever you use an dildo with two ends and be transparent about how it feels for you both.

Threesome position

Whether you're using your double-ended toy by yourself or with a friend, it's important that you use it correctly. To avoid overdoing it, begin with a smaller model and then work your way up until you've reached the size that you find pleasurable. Be aware of the length and the thickness too. The larger toys are ideal to achieve full stretch and penetration, but they can be too agressive for some. It's important to make sure that your sex toys are constructed from a safe material for body and doesn't contain phthalates PVC, or jelly rubber in the event that they cause serious medical issues over time.

Double-ended dildos are great to play with your mouth or for anal play, as well as for sexual sex between legs. This is an excellent option for couples who wish to experience sexual sex in a fashion similar to threesome. To accomplish this, one person is on all fours and puts the dildo between their legs. Then, they take turns thrusting the dildo into and out. This can be difficult to sync, and it's crucial to apply the proper lubricant.

To be safe from injury, it's recommended to buy a suction device to avoid injury. This type of toy is constructed from soft material that won't hurt you much if you push it into your abdominal. It's also easier to remove and clean the suction dildo.


While double dildos are typically associated with lesbian sexual sex but they're a great and enjoyable toy that anyone can enjoy. They are perfect for couples who want to go to the next level. Each member of the pair is able to play with the doll using an individual end. The shafts of a dildo double are different in thickness. One is made for vaginal stimulation, while the other is designed for anal stimulation.

The most important thing to enjoy an dildo with two ends is teamwork, and it's important that you're communicating with your partner on the angle of penetration that feels the best and when to change it up. If you're using a double-ended dildo for anal penetration it's a good idea also to use Lube.

The Colours Double Pleasures Pink Double Dildo is a fantastic option for those who are new to the sport, as it comes with two stimulating heads and an elongated shaft that helps to better penetrate the anal cavity. It has a clitoris hole and testicles hole, making it more realistic. It has a firmness that can be uncomfortable for people who are just beginning. It's a good idea to begin with a lighter dildo first. Suction bases are a wonderful feature that frees up your hands and lets you to go into other pleasure zones for a more exciting experience.

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