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Eye Patches to Treat Amblyopia
In amblyopia, one eye doesn’t see as well as the other. Eye patches can treat amblyopia by forcing the brain to use the weaker eye, which strengthens the vision in that eye.

Patching is one of the most effective treatments for amblyopia, especially in children ages 3-7. While glasses or surgery can address underlying conditions that cause amblyopia, patching is essential to correct the problem itself.

Children often resist wearing eye patches, and many have social stigma or self-consciousness that can affect their compliance. However, it is crucial for them to wear their patches as prescribed. Failure to do so can result in a permanent loss of vision in the affected eye.

The best way to make children feel comfortable about wearing their eye patches is to talk to them about it. Explain that despite the nickname “lazy eye,” their eye is not lazy and that it needs to work hard for them to see better. Children may also be teased by peers, so it’s important to comfort them and explain why they must wear the patch.

Encourage the child to play games that require close visual attention while they wear their eye patch. For example, playing with a jigsaw puzzle can help the eyes work together as a team. Reading an age-appropriate book can also be a fun way to stimulate the weak eye while it’s covered.

NEXGEL eye patches are made with soft fabric and are available in many different colors to match your child’s personality. They are more comfortable to wear than traditional adhesive patches, which can irritate the thin skin around the eye. For young children who already wear glasses, a patch that attaches to the lens is recommended as it’s less likely to slip or cause them to peek through it.

It takes several weeks or even months for the weak eye to become stronger, so it’s important to follow your ophthalmologist’s instructions and keep up with treatment. Miếng dán che mắt điều trị nhược thị can prescribe eye drops or lens filters to blur the vision of the strong eye, and you may need to continue with patching part-time for a few years to ensure that both eyes are working as a team.

In the end, addressing amblyopia is like helping two friends who are mad at each other learn to communicate again. When an eye is neglected, the brain loses patience and essentially cuts off communication with it. This can have lifelong repercussions, so it’s important to treat amblyopia and re-establish the connection between the eyes and the brain. Otherwise, the good eye will eventually lose its ability to function correctly and will never be able to catch up with the weaker eye. If left untreated, amblyopia can lead to a severe loss of depth perception and other visual problems.
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