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10 Things You Learned From Kindergarden That'll Help You With Double Ended Dildo
How to Choose and Use a Double Drildo

Double dildos work well for couples with a kinky mind and a jolly sense of adventure in the bedroom. Lesbian and gay couples love playing with a double-headed dildo made of silicone together, as the extra length enables them to lie, stand, or sit in various positions and still be capable of getting their anuses, genitals, and anusles.


There are many aspects to take into consideration when selecting the right double dildo. This includes your level of experience as well as your personal preferences and intended use. If TOPS Adult Toys beginning to learn about double dildos then you should start with a smaller sized size and gradually increasing the size. Also, remember that double dildos may be used both internally and externally. If you're using it externally select one with curvature and bulbed features to maximize stimulation.

Most double dildos are composed of non-porous materials, like glass, silicone or even metal. These materials are great because they can be sterilized easily. Porous toys can harbour bacteria that can cause infections. Additionally, some porous toys are pliable, and may clog the ducts of the vagina or anus.

Be sure to read all specifications before purchasing double dildos. Some dildos are fixed in a 'C' shape while others can be adjusted and positioned in different ways. The nJoy Pure Wand provides a good illustration. It's big enough for group play and can be utilized in a variety of positions. It has two different sizes to provide different sensations. The nJoy Pure Wand is also coated with a slick finish that makes it easy to clean and to lubricate. When playing with a double dildo it is important to use a high-quality water-based grease.


Utilizing a double-ended dildo for anal penetration can be enjoyable, but it takes careful maneuvering and lots of lube. After a few trials and error, you will be able to determine the ideal position for your body type and comfort. A dildo having a longer handle will also make it easier to reach your anus without having to bend over and stretch, or risk injuring yourself.

In partnered play double-penetration dildos can provide a new level of pleasure for both partners. Many women have reported feeling like both vaginal and anal penetrations are happening at the same time through a single dong. This was not possible using strap-ons as standard. For a more intense experience try having your partner sit on all fours and then bring themselves into a semi-crab pose by holding their hands and feet. This position allows for the toy's penetration to be accelerated by allowing it to thrust forward and backwards through both orifices.

Use condoms at both ends of a double-ended Dildo when playing with an opponent. If you are not cautious it is possible to transfer STIs between partners. Don't swap the ends of a dildo, from your vagina to your anus. It is crucial to make sure you are in contact with your partner whenever you use the double-ended dildo. You should also be open about the way it feels for you both.

Threesome position

Whether you're using your double-ended toy solo or with a friend, it's important that you make use of it in a safe way. To avoid overdoing things begin with a smaller toy and gradually increase the size until you're at the size that you like. Be aware of the length and the thickness also. Larger toys are ideal to achieve full stretch and penetration, but they can be too agressive for some people. It's essential to ensure that your sex toy is constructed from a safe material for body and doesn't contain phthalates jelly rubber, or PVC since these substances could cause serious health problems in the future.

You can utilize a double-ended doldo for the play of anal or oral, as well as sex between the legs. This is an excellent option for couples who want to experience sex in a manner similar to threesome. To do this, one person is on their feet and places the dildo between their legs. Then, they can rotate the dildo back and forth. This position can be challenging to synchronize, and it's important to make use of Lubricant.

It is best to employ a suction-dildo for this case to be safe from injury. This kind of toy comes with a soft material that won't cause any harm if it is forced into your anus. Besides, it's easier to remove and clean a suction dildo.


Double dildos might be usually associated with lesbians, however they're a fun and fun toy for everyone. They are perfect for couples that want to move their game to the next step. Each member of the couple can play with the toy using an alternative end. This is possible because the shafts of a double dildo typically different in thickness, and one part of the toy is designed for vaginal penetration while the other one is designed for anal stimulation.

The key to enjoying double-ended dildos is teamwork, and it's essential to communicate with your partner about the angle of penetration that is most comfortable and when to change it up. If you're using a double-ended dildo that allows for anal penetration, it's an excellent idea to apply Lube.

The Colours Double Pleasures pink double Dildo is a fantastic option for those who are just starting out because it features two stimulating heads and a textured shaft to simplify anal penetration. It also features the clitoris and testicles holes that makes it even more realistic. However it is a bit stiff density that might make it difficult for people who are new to the sport who are not comfortable with it, so you might prefer to start with a soft dildo before making the move to this model. A suction base lets users to explore different places of enjoyment and frees your hands.

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