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hack the box intro to cyber security:l
*offensive security is the process of breaking into computer systems, exploiting software bugs, and finding loopholes in applications to gain unauthorized access to them.
*defensive security, which is the process of protecting an organization's network and computer systems by analyzing and securing any potential digital threats; learn more in the digital forensics room.
*go buster used to find hidden pages
*some of offensive cyber careers:
1)Penetration Tester - Responsible for testing technology products for finding exploitable security vulnerabilities.
2)Red Teamer - Plays the role of an adversary, attacking an organization and providing feedback from an enemy's perspective.
3)Security Engineer - Design, monitor, and maintain security controls, networks, and systems to help prevent cyberattacks.

*Defensive security(like blue team) is somewhat the opposite of offensive security, as it is concerned with two main tasks:
1)Preventing intrusions from occurring
2)Detecting intrusions when they occur and responding properly
-User cyber security awareness: Training users about cyber security helps protect against various attacks that target their systems.
-Documenting and managing assets: We need to know the types of systems and devices that we have to manage and protect properly.
-Updating and patching systems: Ensuring that computers, servers, and network devices are correctly updated and patched against any known vulnerability (weakness).
-Setting up preventative security devices: firewall and intrusion prevention systems (IPS) are critical components of preventative security. Firewalls control what network traffic can go inside and what can leave the system or network. IPS blocks any network traffic that matches present rules and attack signatures.
-Setting up logging and monitoring devices: Without proper logging and monitoring of the network, it won’t be possible to detect malicious activities and intrusions. If a new unauthorized device appears on our network, we should be able to know.
Security Operations Center (SOC)
Threat Intelligence
Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR)
Malware Analysis

A Security Operations Center (SOC) is a team of cyber security professionals that monitors the network and its systems to detect malicious cyber security events. Some of the main areas of interest for a SOC are:

1)Vulnerabilities: Whenever a system vulnerability (weakness) is discovered, it is essential to fix it by installing a proper update or patch. When a fix is not available, the necessary measures should be taken to prevent an attacker from exploiting it. Although remediating vulnerabilities is of vital interest to a SOC, it is not necessarily assigned to them.

2)Policy violations: We can think of a security policy as a set of rules required for the protection of the network and systems. For example, it might be a policy violation if users start uploading confidential company data to an online storage service.

3)Unauthorized activity: Consider the case where a user’s login name and password are stolen, and the attacker uses them to log into the network. A SOC needs to detect such an event and block it as soon as possible before further damage is done.

4)Network intrusions: No matter how good your security is, there is always a chance for an intrusion. An intrusion can occur when a user clicks on a malicious link or when an attacker exploits a public server. Either way, when an intrusion occurs, we must detect it as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

*Threat Intelligence: intelligence refers to information you gather about actual and potential enemies. A threat is any action that can disrupt or adversely affect a system. Intelligence needs data. Data has to be collected, processed, and analyzed. Data collection is done from local sources such as network logs and public sources such as forums

*Digital Forensics
Forensics is the application of science to investigate crimes and establish facts. With the use and spread of digital systems

*Incident Response
An incident usually refers to a data breach or cyber attack; however, in some cases, it can be something less critical, such as a misconfiguration, an intrusion attempt, or a policy violation. Examples of a cyber attack include an attacker making our network or systems inaccessible, defacing (changing) the public website, and data breach (stealing company data). How would you respond to a cyber attack? Incident response specifies the methodology that should be followed to handle such a case. The aim is to reduce damage and recover in the shortest time possible. Ideally, you would develop a plan ready for incident response.

The four major phases of the incident response process are:

Preparation: This requires a team trained and ready to handle incidents. Ideally, various measures are put in place to prevent incidents from happening in the first place.
Detection and Analysis: The team has the necessary resources to detect any incident; moreover, it is essential to further analyze any detected incident to learn about its severity.
Containment, Eradication, and Recovery: Once an incident is detected, it is crucial to stop it from affecting other systems, eliminate it, and recover the affected systems. For instance, when we notice that a system is infected with a computer virus, we would like to stop (contain) the virus from spreading to other systems, clean (eradicate) the virus, and ensure proper system recovery.
Post-Incident Activity: After successful recovery, a report is produced, and the learned lesson is shared to prevent similar future incidents.

Malware Analysis
Malware stands for malicious software. Software refers to programs, documents, and files that you can save on a disk or send over the network. Malware includes many types, such as:

Virus is a piece of code (part of a program) that attaches itself to a program. It is designed to spread from one computer to another; moreover, it works by altering, overwriting, and deleting files once it infects a computer. The result ranges from the computer becoming slow to unusable.
Trojan Horse is a program that shows one desirable function but hides a malicious function underneath. For example, a victim might download a video player from a shady website that gives the attacker complete control over their system.
Ransomware is a malicious program that encrypts the user’s files. Encryption makes the files unreadable without knowing the encryption password. The attacker offers the user the encryption password if the user is willing to pay a “ransom.”

Malware analysis aims to learn about such malicious programs using various means:

Static analysis works by inspecting the malicious program without running it. Usually, this requires solid knowledge of assembly language (processor’s instruction set, i.e., computer’s fundamental instructions).
Dynamic analysis works by running the malware in a controlled environment and monitoring its activities. It lets you observe how the malware behaves when running.

*Web Application Security Risks
There are a few main categories of common attacks against web applications. Consider the following steps and related attacks.

1)Log in at the website: The attacker can try to discover the password by trying many words. The attacker would use a long list of passwords with an automated tool to test them against the login page.
2)Search for the product: The attacker can attempt to breach the system by adding specific characters and codes to the search term. The attacker’s objective is for the target system to return data it should not or execute a program it should not.
3)Provide payment details: The attacker would check if the payment details are sent in cleartext or using weak encryption. Encryption refers to making the data unreadable without knowing the secret key or password.

1)Identification and Authentication Failure
-Allowing the attacker to use brute force, i.e., try many passwords, usually using automated tools, to find valid login credentials.
-Allowing the user to choose a weak password. A weak password is usually easy to guess.
-Storing the users’ passwords in plain text. If the attacker manages to read the file containing the passwords, we don’t want them to be able to learn the stored password.

2)Broken Access Control(Access control ensures that each user can only access files (documents, images, etc.) related to their role or work). Example, you don’t want someone in the marketing department to access (read) the finance department’s documents
Example vulnerabilities related to access control include:
-Failing to apply the principle of the least privilege and giving users more access permissions than they need. For example, an online customer should be able to view the prices of the items, but they should not be able to change them.
-Being able to view or modify someone else’s account by using its unique identifier. For example, you don’t want one bank client to be able to view the transactions of another client.
-Being able to browse pages that require authentication (logging in) as an unauthenticated user. For example, we cannot let anyone view the webmail before logging in.

****Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR). IDOR falls under the category of Broken Access Control.
The attacker would try other numbers and possibly access other user accounts. This vulnerability might work with sequential files; for instance, if the attacker sees 007.txt, the attacker might try other numbers such as 001.txt, 006.txt, and 008.txt. Similarly, if you were ID number 16 and ID number 17 was another user, by changing the ID to 17, you could see sensitive data that belongs to another user. Likewise, they can change the ID to 16 and see sensitive data that belongs to you. (Of course, we assume here that the system is vulnerable to IDOR.

-An injection attack refers to a vulnerability in the web application where the user can insert malicious code as part of their input. One cause of this vulnerability is the lack of proper validation and sanitization of the user’s input.

4)Cryptographic Failures: This category refers to the failures related to cryptography. Cryptography focuses on the processes of encryption and decryption of data
-Sending sensitive data in clear text, for example, using HTTP instead of HTTPS. HTTP is the protocol used to access the web, while HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP. Others can read everything you send over HTTP, but not HTTPS.
-Relying on a weak cryptographic algorithm. One old cryptographic algorithm is to shift each letter by one. For instance, “TRY HACK ME” becomes “USZ IBDL NF.” This cryptographic algorithm is trivial to break.
-Using default or weak keys for cryptographic functions. It won’t be challenging to break the encryption that used 1234 as the secret key.

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