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Opie the Opossum
My dog Toby is often a daschund (I can't say for sure if I am spelling that correctly). Someone explained once that dashchunds (maybe if I spell it differently each and every time, I will understand it properly one of several times) were originally bred to hunt and kill gophers. It totally is practical in my opinion. He is my protector. Even when the remainder of my loved ones could care less what I am doing, Toby is following me around (being fair, he might be searching for me to decrease food he can snag).
Anyway, yesterday I permit him to to pee one final time before bed and that he didn't are available in and I heard a racket of barking and snarling outside my bedroom door. I went in the market to take a look (and to generate him be quiet prior to the police, FBI, CIA and neighborhood watch were called) and I saw he a massive (okay, I exaggerate, an extremely, huge) possum as part of his jaws anf the husband was throwing it around being a rag doll. I immediately thought of rabies. He gets his shots regularly with this very reason. So now, to include in the thunderous noise inside my backyard, I started screaming at him "You're gonna get rabies from that thing! Drop it now!" He, needless to say, ignored me completely and tossed one thing more. I know I should love most of God's creatures, but I find possums really repugnant. I apologize to anyone who thinks these are cute. And, mind you, you should seek specialist.
So there I am, wrestling using a dog who is wrestling with a possum. Someone needs to have gotten it on film. got him far from it and shoved him inside. Now is when you ought to educate children to halt reading. But I will say, no cute, fuzzy animals were harmed within this story. However, really, really ugly ones were. I went in the market to look (carefully) on the possum. It was toast. I could not bring myself to throw it within the garbage at 10 pm. So I attended bed.
This morning Toby could barely contain himself he wanted to go outside so bad. I was not fooled into thinking his bladder was that full. No dummy, moi. So I went outside and low and behold - the possum was gone! Either Harry Potter found visit and transfigured it into an ivy leaf or, it wasn't dead. I guess "playing possum" isn't only a well used saying. So, all's well that ends well.
Ode to Opie
There used to be a hideous creature
Who, really being forced to pee, sure
That he was alone,
He strayed definately not home,
And my dog rearranged his features.
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