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Three Greatest Moments In ADD Treatments For Adults History
ADHD Treatments For Adults

Many of the same methods that work for children suffering from ADHD also treat adults. These treatments include medication, counseling (psychotherapy) and life skills training. They could also include a combination of these treatments.

Stimulant Medications

These drugs work by increasing the brain chemicals that control attention and self regulation. They include the chemical methylphenidate (marketed as Ritalin, Concerta) and stimulants belonging to the amphetamine group like Lisdexamphetamine (marketed as Adderall, Vyvanse).

Stimulant Medications

Stimulants are substances that speed up the body's systems and may result in greater levels of alertness in the mind and greater physical activity. These include legal substances like caffeine (added to tea and coffee) and nicotine, as well as prescription drugs that treat attention deficit disorder (ADD), narcolepsy, and hyperactivity. In large doses of stimulants they can cause overstimulation which can cause anxiety, heart palpitations and high blood pressure. They may also cause anxiety and paranoia. Long-term use of stimulants can cause the dopamine system of the brain to malfunction and reduce feelings of satisfaction. treatment for adhd adults are available in pills, liquids or patches. Cocaine, methamphetamines, and amphetamines are stimulants that can be gotten illegally and abused.

The drugs in this class are called central nervous system (CNS) stimulants. They work by increasing the quantity of certain brain chemicals that boost concentration, reduce fatigue and increase alertness. Adults with ADD and ADHD are treated first with these drugs. These medications may be a quick-acting formula that is taken in the morning, or a longer-acting medicine that stays active throughout the duration of the day. Examples include the lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse) or methylphenidate (Concerta Ritalin).

The health care team may also recommend psychosocial interventions, such as education, psychotherapy or coaching. It is crucial to track the effectiveness of medication over time. This is challenging.

Non-stimulant Medicines that are not stimulants

About 15%-30% of children do not respond to stimulant medications, and this is likely to be the case for adults as well. Non-stimulant medications take longer to work and could take as long as several weeks before you feel any effects. They do not have the same adverse effects, and are a better choice when you are not able to take stimulants or fear addiction.

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