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Seven Reasons Why Fiat Key Fob Replacement Is Important
How to Make a Replacement Fiat Key

Fiat is bringing back their classic cars and it's the perfect time to buy one. But what happens if your key fob fails?

Locksmiths can change Fiat keys for you. Many people go to the dealer, but they're not required. We'll outline the details you need to give your locksmith when you call.

Keys lost or stolen

Keys being lost can be a huge hassle and a major stressor. It's best to have a spare made and store it safely, depending on the frequency you lose your keys. If you lose your keys then they can be quickly and easily replaced. fiat punto key fob replacement can also contact your local police department to provide details of your keys and get them returned if found.

Many people believe that the only option to replace Fiat keys is to visit the dealership. This isn't always the situation. Locksmiths can assist with the process. They can also provide the option of a less costly solution. They can make use of information such as your VIN and the unique codes that are on the key fob in order to create an entirely new key for you.

If you are in need of replacing a Fiat car key replacement, it's crucial to know what type of information you'll need to give the locksmith. The first thing they'll likely ask is the year and name of the Fiat model. They will also want to know whether you require the remote key or a standard key. In most cases, you can ask a locksmith on the phone what type of Fiat key is required.

Transponder Chips

Transponder chips are mini-circuits inside your key that communicate with your car's immobilizer. When you turn the key into the ignition the chip transmits an ID code to the vehicle's Body Control Module (BCM). If the ID code matches the one in the BCM's memory, the immobilizer is deactivated and the engine starts. If the ID code does not match, the security lamp will turn on and your car will not be able to start.

Transponders aren't immune to. Car thieves have come up with methods to evade anti-theft systems over the years. A spare key that has a functioning transponder could help keep this from happening.

If you require a replacement key with an operational transponder, we suggest giving us a call for a quote. Be sure to have all the information that you require. We will require the year that your Fiat was built and the model's name. If you have any further concerns, don't hesitate ask! Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will be happy to assist you.

Smart Keys

Smart keys aren't just a convenient feature. They also make it harder for car thieves get into your car. Smart keys do not transmit the same frequency as traditional key fobs. Instead, they send out different encrypted messages each time they open doors or remotely unlock the trunk. A computer inside your vehicle then detects these changing frequencies and only allows it to start if the appropriate key matches the latest signal.

BMW smart keys, for example include a small LCD touchscreen that performs the similar functions of a standard key fob. This includes locking or unlocking and keyless entry. But they also allow users to save their own driver settings, stop windows or sunroofs, as well as tell your car to park itself. Smart keys are distinguished by these features.

Despite this additional layer of security, there are still ways that smart keys could be compromised. If someone near you is able to hear the low frequency transmissions that are sent between your smart key and your car and they gain access to your car (or at least try to) by detecting these signals while you're away from your car like at restaurants or at a gas station.

The good news is that most smart keys have a battery backup that kicks in if your main battery fails. Many smart keys' batteries can be quickly replaced and don't typically require special tools.

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