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Ghost Immobiliser Install Isn't As Difficult As You Think
Is Ghost Immobiliser Installation Really Worth It?

The system works with buttons on your vehicle (such as those on the steering wheel, door panels and centre console) to make a bespoke PIN code sequence that is unique to your vehicle. This is the sequence that you must enter before your car can start.

You can alter it at anytime. It also has an option for service that allows your car to be driven to the garage for maintenance without the need for a code.


Ghost immobilisers, the latest technology in car theft prevention, are the most effective method to stop car theft. They communicate with the engine control system via the vehicle's CAN bus. This prevents anyone from driving away with your vehicle without a key or entering a code. This is the most secure way to protect your car from theft. It can be fitted on any type of vehicle. However, it comes with a cost, and the cost can be quite high. Is it worth it?

Ghost Immobilisers are much less expensive than other security devices, like clamps and wheel locks, and they are a great way to safeguard your most prized possessions. They are virtually undetectable to thieves even if they utilize sophisticated hacking software to evade other security devices. They are concealed within the vehicle and can work even if the key is cloned or stolen.

The system operates completely invisibly, disabling the ignition of the engine without additional hardware, wiring, or power source. It can be controlled using an app on a smart phone that allows the owner complete control over their vehicle. This is a great option for those who wish to protect the investment they have made in their prestige or luxury vehicle.

Ghost immobilisers may not be Thatcham approved however they are TASSA certified (Tracking and Aftermarket Security Systems Association). Some insurance companies also recognize them. They are not considered a 'car tracker' and are not installed in your vehicle to track you, but they can protect your car from the most prevalent form of car crime, that of copying your key fob and swapping the ECU.

When the ghost immobiliser has been installed it will only start the car when the unique pin code configuration is entered. Thieves who aren't aware of this will be unable to start the vehicle and will assume that it is broken. It's a simple and effective deterrent to theft of cars and can significantly lower your monthly insurance costs.

The Autowatch Ghost 2 immobiliser is an innovative, next generation security device for vehicles. It is fully endorsed and endorsed by insurers. The user is able to configure the device with their personal pin code. It also doesn't contain RF signals or diagnostic codes and cannot be identified by thieves using sophisticated RF scanning or code technology to capture codes.


The Ghost immobiliser is one of the most secure levels of security available. It protects your car against key hacking, cloning, and signal jamming. It connects to your vehicle's CAN data network and is programmed with an unique override code. The system lets you create a unique sequence of disarming comprised of up to twenty button presses. You can disarm your Ghost remotely if needed for instance when you hand your car over to a valet.

Many thieves employ high-tech methods to steal vehicles. This includes hacks that permit them to unlock and start the car even though they don't have the key fobs. Ghost immobilisers prevent these kinds of thefts by preventing the car from beginning without having a pin code. This means that thieves would be forced to spend more time trying to steal your car.

It is important that your ghost immobiliser is installed by a TASSA certified installer. TASSA is a recognized organization that certifies aftermarket security and tracking devices. It is recognized by certain insurance companies. This means that if you decide to install an Ghost immobiliser, your insurer will be able to recognize it and offer a lower rate.

Installing a GPS tracker is a different way to keep your car safe. This will help you locate your car in the event of it being stolen, and also alert you to any suspicious activities on the road. It doesn't prevent thieves from taking your vehicle and stealing your car, so you should employ other security measures, too.

If you have a rare or expensive vehicle, it's worth investing in additional security measures. The Ghost Immobiliser is a hidden device that protects your vehicle from theft. It is simple to install and leaves no trace of its installation. This makes it nearly impossible for a thief bypass the device. It is an excellent investment for anyone who has spent money on customising their vehicle, or has a unique or expensive vehicle.

The Ghost immobiliser utilizes the CAN data network to communicate with your vehicle, and a thief will not be able to get around it by cutting wires. It also shields you from the common methods used to bypass traditional immobilisers, like codes grabbing and RF scanning technology.


A Ghost Immobiliser, a revolutionary device to protect your vehicle, blocks thieves from starting up your vehicle. It is connected directly to your cars data network, CAN, and then stealing electronic signals from your vehicle's ECU. The system is inaccessible to thieves because it does not use circuit cuts or keys fobs. It also operates without radio frequencies and is silently. Its low-maintenance design is also discreet and easily hidden from the public eye.

This innovative technology is essential for owners of high-performance or expensive vehicles. It is the best method to safeguard them from theft. It's a cost-effective and discreet way to protect your prized possessions from theft. It can also help lower the cost of insurance. The Keylab that it has developed is compatible with all modern vehicles. It can be fitted by an expert at Trackershop the Midland's most renowned vehicle security expert.

The Ghost Immobiliser uses your existing buttons on your steering wheel and dashboard to make an unique PIN code sequence. The owner can change the code with an iPhone application. It can be as long as 20 digits. There aren't any LEDs or noises or alarms, and there's an emergency code that is secure in case you forget to enter the original. The device is totally undetectable even by the diagnostic tools used by high-tech thieves to copy your vehicle and steal it. It's also a fantastic companion to car trackers, since it allows you to track the location of your car in real-time.

Ghost is a fully TASSA approved system that can drastically reduce the cost of your car insurance. Installation is simple and hassle-free and the system can be connected to your mobile phone or Apple Watch so that only authorized users can start your vehicle. It's also compatible with the major car manufacturers and can be used with a variety of smart-phones and GPS devices.

The Autowatch Ghost is a system that can be fitted on all modern vehicles and is a fully TASSA approved system. It can be installed on all vehicles with a factory-fitted keyless entry systems, including several luxury and high-end models. The Ghost is an ongoing addition to your vehicle, unlike other anti-theft products.


The Ghost Immobiliser II from Autowatch is a revolutionary security system that can safeguard your vehicle from key-cloning as well as hacking. This unique system is approved by TASSA (Tracker and Aftermarket Security Systems Association) This means that any company that installs the Ghost Immobiliser has passed rigorous testing to ensure your security. It is also accepted by a majority of insurance companies, which means that you can save money on your car insurance.

The system connects to the CAN bus and prevents your engine from starting until a PIN code override is entered in conjunction with the key fob. This makes it difficult for thieves to copy your keys or hack your vehicle, and stops theft of your vehicle.

Ghost immobilisers, unlike physical deterrents like wheel clamps and steering locks, are hidden. They cannot be detected by burglars. They are also not vulnerable to circuit breaks, as they don't send out radio signals and work through the ECU data bus. This makes them extremely difficult to identify and to defeat.

Ghost immobilisers are wireless and can be fitted in virtually any car. It's also low maintenance and does not require any additional wiring. It's also possible to hide it which makes it more difficult for thieves to detect.

When you need to perform maintenance or repairs on your vehicle the ghost immobiliser can be activated temporarily by entering service mode. To do this, press the service button five times. You should get five lights flashing to confirm that the system has been activated. This will help you identify the issue without compromising the integrity your Ghost immobiliser.

It's important to understand how to test your Ghost's stop/start function before contacting a garage or dealer for help. The best way to do this is by putting the Ghost into service mode. To do this you need to press the button on the Ghost fob or the infotainment unit and wait for 60 minutes. Start the car to check whether the system functions correctly.

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