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ego can be the protective mechanism

putting on a mask is an example of ego.

ego is future oriented.
e.g 1 : if I meet someone, I put on a certain mask so that they stay with me for the future.
e.g.2. if I go to party, I put on a mask so that I get invited to the next one.
*solution: live in the present
when you take a dump, who you are? you are just a human. nothing else.
when you watch a sunset, you are watching a sunset. doesnt matter who is looking at the sunset, man or a woman. you are just watching the sunset.

cognitive bias [throwing out positive compliements from others but magnifying negative ones]


practicing vairagya: practiving detachment


ego is the protector of negative emotions/
even low self eseem is ego.
e.g. dont apply for that job because you might get rejected. what did ego do? protected you from the chance of rejection pain.

victims pf trauma have self image issues;
take a child who has been emotionally abused for years. their survuval mechanism is that adapt, they start feeling lowlly of themselves.

e.g. if i dont deserve love in the first place, it wont hurt even if I dont get it.
again here is how ego protected you from negative emotion of netting love. but its so toxic, this mechanism of ego thst it will always keep you in a lopp of sadness and grief and abused. ots devastating.

so when these people actually get treated well, they get very confused.
start behaving vigilant like "wherest the trick, when is this gonna stop, whats your game here"

so its all based on what you deserve and who you really are.

5 things to go:
1. comparison feeds the go. try to limit it.
2. noticing
3. spend time in nature
4. learning to tolerate negative emotion
5. meditate


The Best Way To Catch A Snake by:Karma Yeshe Rabgye. Great place to start, he also has more books and podcasts



1 year ago
@leticia-vv4dg Evolving Beyond Thought by Gary Weber might be a little more extreme (as in it's meditation with the explicit intention of being toward Awakening), but it's a great stepping stone on a self-inquiry path. Self-inquiry looks directly at the Eastern concept of ego.
His first book is free online though, which is Happiness Beyond Thought.
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