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Isaiah- Trust and Tell (King Ahaz and Hezekiah)

Micah- leaders (failure king, coming King)

Zephaniah- integration good, syncretism bad

Joel- God is a relentless pursuer (locusts) (Deuteronomy 28 important)

Habakuk- questions and answers... justice and mercy... despair an hope!

Obadiah- perfect timing after the 586 holocaust of Jerusalem (God will not break his Genesis 12:3 covenant, even if the Mosaic covenant is broken!)

Jeremiah- weeping prophet, promise of a New Covenant for both Israel AND the church

Lamentations- acrostic

Kings- BAD king

Chronicles- GOOD king

Daniel- God is not weak, He is just faithful to punish Israel.
- "the only time the church is in the middle is when the pendulum is swinging from side to side" (between panic about the future and apathy)
- Chapter 7 goes with Revelation 4-5
- the future is merely HISTOY to God, and His promises will become reality in DUE TIME.
- decree for first restortation is 445 BC, happens in 536 BC
- 7 sevens, 62 sevens, messiah, 33 AD restoration, indefinite gap, anti-christ for 1 seven, FINAL RESTORATION

Ezekial- the Jeremiah of Babylon; people are worshiping idols, so God leaves the temple (ascends from the Mount of Olives)
- God had a physical temple but left it. Jesus came and then left. Our bodies are now the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Esther- she's pretty bad actually; God is faithful even when we are not!
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