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Abacus is the first device in computation. In Mesopotamian civilization,2500 BC
Astrolabe, position of sun in seas device.
Word 'Computer', first used in 1613 in a book by 'Richard Braithwaite' as a job title.
Step Reckoner, 1694, now odometer of car for calculating miles.
Difference Machine, Charles Babbage, 1822, could approximate polynomials.
Ada Lovelace, termed as the World's first Programmer.
Harvard Mark 1, 1944, IBM
Colossus MK 1, 1943, Tommy Flowers, first electronic computing device
Alan Turing, Father of Computer Science
ENIAC, 1946, University of Pennsylvania, John Mauchly, J. Presper Eckert
Transistor, 1947, Bell Laboratory, John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, William Shockley
IBM 608, 1957, first transistor powered computer
Binary-meaning 'two states'
Boolean Algebra, George Boole, Logical Mathematics, 1847
NOT, AND, OR operations.
NOT Gate: Input ONN- Output OFF
Output ONN - Input OFF

AND Gate: Input 1 ONN, Input 2 ONN - Output ONN
Input 1 ONN, Input 2 OFF - Output OFF
Input 1 OFF, Input 2 ONN - Output OFF
Input 1 OFF, Input 2 OFF - Output OFF

OR Gate: Input 1 ONN, Input 2 ONN - Output ONN
Input 1 ONN, Input 2 OFF - Output ONN
Input 1 OFF, Input 2 ONN - Output ONN
Input 1 OFF, Input 2 OFF - Output OFF

XOR Gate: Input 1 ONN, Input 2 ONN - Output OFF
Input 1 ONN, Input 2 OFF - Output ONN
Input 1 OFF, Input 2 ONN - Output ONN
Input 1 OFF, Input 2 OFF - Output OFF

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