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Kids Parents Extra Kids Guard
- Stephen - Salem/sister (Stephen) - Taguibalos - Angelo
- John David - Frince/kuya (JD) - Relojas
- Luke - Queenie/tita (Luke) - Brentt

Lines :

Stephen : Hmm... I'm extremely bored. I should call my friends to play with me in the playground! *Calling*
Hi guys!
JD & Luke : Hi Stephen!
Luke : What is your reasonable idea that you called us for?
Stephen : I just wanted to happily play with you guys since I am so bored in our house.
JD : Great idea! We should immediately meet up at the playground.
Stephen : Okay guys, but we should ask our guardians permission first.
Stephen : Hey sister, would you please let me hang out in the playground with my friends?
Salem : Sure Stephen! But you must always ensure that you go home early. Okay?
Stephen : I promise!
JD : Hey brother, will you kindly let me go out with my friends to the playground? I promise I will only stay with them like I always do.
Frince : Okay, but please make sure that you are going to come back home before mom and dad come back from their work. Remember,
always come back home at 6:30 PM
JD : Thank you so much!
Luke : Hey Auntie! Please let me hang out in the playground with my bestfriends!
Queenie : Okay I'll let you go with them, but always bring your phone with you to be able to contact me when needed.
Luke : Okay Auntie, thank you so much! I will inform my friends that I will be going!
Luke : *Calling* Hey guys, I'm so happy that my auntie let me go to hang out with you guys. But she reminded me to always bring my
phone with me.
Stephen : That's good! I am very happy that you can come! How about you JD?
JD : Don't worry my brother also let me come to hang out with you guys! But he told me to always remember to go home before
6:30 PM. Let's go guys lets meet at the park!
Stephen : Okay lets go!
and Luke
*Extra kids playing in the background*
Luke : Hi guys!
Stephen : Hi Luke!
and JD
Stephen : I'm very glad all of us are able to hang out!
JD : Let's go now and play!
*After some time*
JD : Woah guys it's getting dark outside.
Guard : Hey kids, what are you still doing here? Are you aware that this place has a curfew? The curfew ends at 6:00 PM. You guys better
go home now.
Luke : Okay sir, I'll call my aunt to pick us up now.
Luke : Hey aunt! Would you please pick me and my friends up now? We didn't know there was a curfew in the playground.
Queenie : Sure Luke, I'm coming.
Queenie : There you are guys, let's get you home now.

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