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CHAPTe An Unfortunate Lily Girl Preview Questions s. Anne likes to play imaginative games. Do you think children are naturally imaginative? 2. Why do you think things seem to go wrong for Anne? 3, who is the boy Anne does not like at school? f course you must play Elaine, Anne "O said Diana. "I'm not doing it," said Ruby Gillis. "To lie down in the boat and pretend I was dead-oh, I just couldn't." "I couldn't keep still," said Jane Andrews. As girls of thirteen going on fourteen, the pond was their new favorite place to play. It was Anne's idea that they act out "Elaine," the Lily Girl. They had studied Tennyson's poem in school over winter. Anne's plan was to set a boat off carrying the "dead Elaine and let it float under the bridge to the other side of the pond, where it would be caught by the others. Well, I'll be Elaine," said Anne, "Ruby, you must be King Arthur, Jane will be Guinevere, and Diana must be Lancelot. Anne lay in the boat and held a flower to her chest. "Oh, she does look really dead," whispered Ruby Gillis nervously, watching the still, white little face. "Mrs. Lynde says that acting is very bad." Ruby, you shouldn't talk about Mrs. Lynde," said Anne, "because this is hundreds of years before Mrs. Lynde was born. The boat began to f away. At first, Anne enjoyed the romance of being the Lily Girl. Then, something not at all romantic happened. The boat began to break. It looked like it would fill and sink, and Anne could not swim! Just then, the boat hit an old wooden pile. Anne jumped out of the boat and grabbed it. She held s on and waited for the girls to find her. The boat went under the bridge and then sank. Ruby, Jane, and Diana watched it sink and were sure that Anne had gone down with it. They screamed and screamed and ran off to find help. Poor Anne was still hanging on to the m wooden pile. The minutes passed by, each seeming like an hour to the unfortunate Lily Girl Just then, Gilbert Blythe came under the bridge in a little boat. "Anne Shirley! How on earth did you getthere?" he asked. Without waiting for an answer, he pulled close to the pile and held out his hand. Anne jumped into the boat, scared and angry. "We were playing "Elaine said Anne, trying not to look at him. Gilbert took Anne to land, where the girl jumped "Thank you," she said, and turned away. But Gilbert had also jumped from the boat. "Anne," he said, "I'm very sorry I called your hair carrots.' I think your hair is very pretty now. Let's be friends Anne thought for a moment. Then, she remembered that she hated Gilbert Blythe! She would never forgive him! "No," she said coldly, "I shall never be friends with you, Gilbert Blythe." "All right!" Gilbert jumped back into the boat, his face red. "I'll never ask you to be friends again, Anne Shirley. As Anne walked away, she regretted that she had not answered Gilbert differently. She wanted to cry When she told her friends what had happened, they 48 thought it was very romantic. Will you ever any sense, Anne?" groaned have Marilla later. Oh, yes, I think I will, Marilla," said Anne. "Ever since I came to Green Gables, I've been making mistakes and each mistake has helped me. The cake mistake stopped me from being careless in cooking. Dyeing my hair stopped me from being vain. And today's mistake is going to cure me of being too romantic." "I hope so," said Marilla. But Matthew, who had been sitting in his corner, said, "Don't give up all your romance, Anne." Review Questions 1. What were the girls doing? 2. What happened to the boat Anne was in? what were the three mistakes Anne had made, and how did 3. she think they had helped her?

A Special Moment in Anne's Life Preview Questions Anne likes to identify special moments in her life. What might they be? 2. Can you name three special moments in your own life? 3. Who is Anne's best friend? ne fine evening, Anne was walking the cows home when Diana ran to meet her. "Oh, I have such news, Anne! Mother got a letter and Aunt Josephine wants you and me to go to town to stay with her!" Marilla agreed to let Anne go to town. As Charlottetown was thirty miles away, they needed to make a very early start. Anne was up before sunrise Tuesday morning. It was a long drive, but Anne and Diana enjoyed every minute of it. It was beautiful to ride through the country, and they were very excited to be going to the city. It was almost noon when they reached town. Miss Barry met them at the doo "So you've come to see me at last, Anne-girl," she said "How you have grown! You're taller than I am And you're ever so much better looking than you used to be, too Everyone said that Anne was becoming very pretty as she got older. Isn't it just like a palace whispered Diana as they waited for lunch. "Yes, I've dreamed of such a house, Diana," said Anne. "It is so beautiful there is nothing left to imagine. That is one good thing about being poor there are so many more things you can dream about." At night, Miss Barry put Anne and Diana in the spare room, as she had promised. Yet, Anne felt some disappointment. Things you wanted as a child aren't as great when you finally get them. On Friday, Mr. Barry came to drive them home. "Well, I hope you've enjoyed yourselves," said Miss Barry. "Yes, we have said Diana. "And you, Anne-girl?" "I've enjoyed every minute of it," said Anne. Then, Miss Barry went back into her big, empr house. "I think if I had a child like Anne in the house all the time, be a better and happier woman," she said to herself. arrived home, the lights of Green Gables When Anne gave her a friendly welcome back. Anne ran up the hill and into the kitchen, where a hot meal was waiting on the table. "I'm glad you're back," said Marilla with a smile. "It's been very lonely here without you." "I had a wonderful time," Anne said happily. "The best of all was coming home." "That is good to hear," said Marilla. "Anne, Miss Stacy was here this afternoon." "Was she? What did she want?" "Well, she wants to organize a class for her advanced students who are studying to enter Queen's. She wants to give them extra lessons for an hour after school. She came to ask Matthew and me if we would like to have you join it. What do you think, Anne? Would you like to go to Queen's and learn to become a teacher?" "oh, Marilla! It's been the dream of my life! But isn't it terribly expensive?" and You shouldn't worry about the expense. Ma I decided long ago that we would the best we do could for y always hav should be the class if aoh,
could for you and give you a good education. You will always have a home here at Green Gables, but a girl should be able to earn her own living. So you can join the class if you like, Anne." "Oh, Marilla, thank you," said Anne happily.

A Queen's Girl Preview Questions 1. Do you want to be a teacher? 2. Do you think Anne would make a good teacher? ever had? How would you describe the best teacher you have t was a long, hot summer that year, and Anne enjoyed it with her whole heart. When it was over, she went back to school and studied hard in Miss Stacy's Queen's class for that terrible thing known as "the Entrance." Anne grew so quickly that one day Marilla was surprised to find that the girl was taller than herself. Another difference was that she talked less. "You don't talk half as much as you used to, Anne. What has come over you?" "I don't know I don't want to talk as much Anne said, turning red. "It's nicer to think dear, pretty thoughts and keep them in one's heart, like treasures." After months of studying, Anne went to town for the exams. When she returned to Green Gables, three weeks passed without the exam results appearing. Anne
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