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my friends are mad at me for no reason I didn't even do anything Karolina is trying to talk to me and Esme keeps telling her not to but I didn't even do anything and they kept trying to make sure I was gone and they kept whispering in each others ear it makes me rlly upset because iv been going through alot this weekend with Chris Max and Jacob. me and Chris broke up on Wednesday then me and Max start to date thursday and I moved on too fast and I realized that on Saturday Max broke up with me and I realized I was in love with Chris still nothing has changed I've liked Chris since December and I still do I tried talking to him but he is clearly upset he keeps leaving me on read and opened its just we were perfect I mean he was perfect then Jacob asked me out for the 4th time so I said yes because I cant say no for the 4th time he dropped 3 girls for me I felt bad and he is rushing things I'm not int him one bit but he was always there for me when I needed to talk to him or call never Chris he never called me or texted me when we were dating but I would rather have nearly any texts from Chris then no texts. or calls Chris was my best friend I could tell everything to and he waited for me when I was dating Mark felipe and Liam he was always there for me and I can believe i would even do that to someone I care for... and now that I'm leading a guy on is even worse I feel like such a horrible friend and person. and don't even get me started with my family my mom told me she was doing drugs and I cant tell my nana or my mom is gonna get kicked out agian and my mom was the only person here for me right now I know she is gonna leave me again but I know she loves me I am just like her but I am never got end up like her but my nana thinks I'm a failure and thinks I'm sneaky and she thinks I'ma end up doing drugs and stuff and all of this hurts me so much I spend hours crying in my room knowing I'm a horrible person I'm failing all my classes I'ma grow up to be a nobody and I feel like nobody knows how to leave me alont
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