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Layer one project, quad-chain confirmation system. The purpose of the project is to connect the crypto ecosystem to the open market.
Fully decentralised open source software hosted by investors and partners running nodes. Proof of Stake & proof of work working hand in hand to keep transactions fast, highly secure and consuming less energy than layer 1s that rely solely on mining.
Taking the gold standard of the bitcoin network security, and working on the challenges of building on the bitcoin network. Scalability issues are being solved with the multichain protocol enabling 20-30 transactions per second compared to bitcoins 7 per second. Where bitcoin was not initially designed to support complex smart contracts, we have built the building blocks with this in mind allowing for the prospect for new applications to be built in the ecosystem to further connect the digital world and the physical world.

Quad-chain Protocol-
The blockchain is a public record of all tudos transactions in chronological order, instead of a single chain being in play the Quad-chain has four chains allowing for four blocks to be completed at once. This development allows for faster transaction speeds. The Quad-chain is shared between all users of the network and is used to verify the permanence of transactions and to prevent double spending.

Mining (Proof of Work)-
Tudos mining is the process of making computer hardware do mathematical calculations for the Tudos network to confirm transactions and increase security. As a reward for their services, Tudos miners can collect transaction fees for the transactions they confirm, along with newly created Tudos coins. Mining is a specialized and competitive market where the rewards are divided up according to how much calculation is done. Not all users do mining, but its an easy way to make money at the early stages of a project.

Staking, Earn Rewards While Securing the Network (Proof of Stake)-
This is the process of depositing a quantity of your tudos to become an automated validator and secure the network. A validator checks transactions and proposes blocks under a proof-of-stake consensus model. Staking gives you a financial incentive to act in the best interests of the network. The network becomes stronger against attacks as more Tudos is staked, as it then requires more and more Tudos to control a majority of the network. In essense to become a threat against the network, you would need to hold the majority stake, which means you'd need to control the majority of the Tudos supply. Staking will be available via the Tudos Marketplace

What is the difference between mining and staking as an investor?
Mining is rewarded with newly minted Tudos coins as more and more of the fixed supply gets mined the amount of Tudos coins rewarded to miners will be cut.
Staking is rewarded with transaction fees as each block gets confirmed and validating the transactions within the block.

What Problems Does Tudos Solve?
Tudos solves several key challenges in decentralized networks through its hybrid confirmation mechanism and its Quad-chain protocol. This allows for four transaction blocks to be confirmed at once, using both staking and mining as confirmations it allows the network to move quicker and smoother than traditional blockchains. The split between proof of work and proof of stake allows us to benefit from the security of proof of work but also allow us to keep energy consumption for running the network lower than traditional proof of work blockchains.

Decentralised Marketplace:

This is the primary use case for the project. Connecting cryptocurrencies to the real world, connecting buying and sellers on a peer to peer basis. Allowing users to buy, sell and auction physical and digital goods. Breaking into the already $5.8Trillion USD ecommerce industry we believe merging the crypto and ecommerce spaces will be a game changer, prompting massive growth in the value of Tudos. With partnerships with major fulfillment companies intalks we look to be able to firstly bring the platform to USA, Australia, Japan and the United Kingdom. We look to compete with the likes of Ebay as a more peer to peer focus platform rather than the likes of Amazon or Walmart which we see as more centralised units.

The Multi-blockchain technology provides complete transparency, giving users the ability to view all transactions and records. This transparency promotes trust between users and creates a more honest and trustworthy marketplace.

Low Fees-
As a decentalised platform TudosMarket is set as a not for profit platform meaning that the fees for buying, selling and taking part in auctions are as low as they can be. Meaning that the only fees that are placed on the platform for buyers are the transaction fees to send your Tudos to the escrow account.

The tudos marketplace will be the primary place to be able to stake your Tudos coins, allowing users of the tudos ecosystem to see reward rates of an estimated 27%+ APR an ever increasing reward being pushed by the huge ecommerce industry.

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Regards; Team

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