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How to Repair Double Glazed Windows

Double glazing is a fantastic method of keeping the heat inside your home and keep the cold out. However, in time, it might require repair.

The presence of condensation or mist between the two panes of glass is a indication that your windows' seals have failed. It can be expensive in terms of energy costs and could be a security risk.


As the name suggests window gaskets are a type of rubber installed around the stationary edges of double glazed windows. They are essential in keeping air and moisture out of the gap between the glass panes, and preventing condensation and draughts from forming. They are also crucial in ensuring the integrity of the glazing system and they are a tight fit around the edges of the glass unit. While some individuals may attempt to install gaskets for windows themselves It is recommended to enlist the help of an experienced tradesperson. They will be able to determine the size of the gaps and select the correct gaskets that will ensure a tight fit and minimal deterioration over time.

Condensation between two glass panes can be an indication of a damaged double glazing seal. It's usually evident as tiny droplets of water or mist spreading in the gap. If this happens, it is necessary to perform repairs to double glazing in order to fix the problem.

In the majority of instances, the issue can be resolved by replacing the existing gasket around the perimeter. This is more expensive than a basic sealant, but it provides a long-term solution. It also allows for natural air circulation between the glass panes. The type of double-glazed window and the climate will determine the material is best to replace the gasket. Materials such as silicone, neoprene and EPDM (ethylenepropylene diene monmer) are typical.

Gaskets can be replaced without replacing the entire glass unit. A skilled double glazing expert can often repair the draughty and leaky windows by simply replacing the gaskets that are beginning to wear out. This is a cheaper option than replacing the entire frame and can be carried out within a matter of minutes, depending on the severity of the issue.

If the glass isn't cracked and misting is not a problem, then misting between panes can be fixed with a special cleaning kit, which involves drilling small holes into the misted double glazing to draw out the moisture. The hole is then filled with a sealant that stops the misting from occurring again.


Modern double-glazed windows are designed to be as durable and long-lasting as they can be. They are not indestructible but, as with everything, problems can arise over time. Luckily, why not try this out can quickly and easily fix the majority of double glazed windows faults. Some of the most frequently encountered double-glazed repair issues are hinges, locking mechanisms, handles and sealing.

The most important element of a double-glazed window is the sealed unit or the insulated glass unit (IGU). It is composed of two glass panes separated by a spacer bar, and filled with gas that is insulating - similar to the sandwich of glass bread with air filling it. This is what provides the insulation that makes uPVC, aluminium and timber windows so energy efficient.

The seal between the two panes blocks heat from getting through the window into the room. This is vital to keep your home warm and to reduce your energy bills. However, over time the rubber seal can break down and if this happens, you will need to replace your double glazed window.

Condensation between the two panes is a typical issue with double-glazed windows. This is not just ugly but it also indicates that the seal has been damaged and moisture is now between the glass panes.

Normaly, the difference in temperature between indoors and outdoors is the reason for the difference in condensation between the panes. It could also be caused by humidity levels. In most cases, it's easy to fix the problem by drilling through the misted up glass and then removing the moisture by applying an anti-fog spray.

Some companies offer to drill holes into double-glazed windows, and put them in a way that they don't mist again. However, this is a short-term solution and the problem will usually return within six months. If you have a guarantee from the company that installed your double glazing, then you may be eligible for a replacement unit. A reputable double glazing repair company is able to offer this service. The new units will appear and function as they did when they were first installed.


Usually, double glazing windows are constructed of aluminium or uPVC frames. Both have pros and cons, but uPVC tends to be the most well-known due to its cost and durability. It also requires less maintenance and holds heat better than aluminum. Aluminium frames, on the other hand are extremely efficient in transferring heat but they can also conduct cold air, which is the reason it is essential that they have a thermal break to reduce their U-factor.

A faulty frame will cause problems with double-glazing, as it will cause the seals to deteriorate. This could lead to condensation and misting on the glass. The best way to prevent this is to make sure that your frame is in good state and well-maintained, especially around the hinges, handles and where they enter the cill.

In addition, if you notice that your double glazed window isn't easy to open or close, it could be a sign that the seals have broken down and let in cold air. Try lubricating either the hinges or the mechanism to see if it can help. If the issue continues then you must contact the company from which you bought your windows to arrange for them to visit and fix it.

It is not recommended that you attempt to replace a double glazed window on your own as the job requires specialized tools that you likely don't have. It's also dangerous to attempt this without the appropriate knowledge and experience. This could lead to serious injuries. A reputable business that provides double glazing repairs will be able quote you on the cost of the work and often offer a guarantee.

Repairing your double glazing is usually less expensive than buying new windows. It can be done within a matter of hours, depending on the nature and severity of the issue. Your double-glazed windows will appear just as good as when they were first installed. You'll also get the benefits of having A+ rated energy efficient Windows.


There are a variety of hinges that can be installed on uPVC windows with double glazing. These hinges can be utilized to make it easier to open and close the window or to lower energy costs by reducing drafts. They can also be used to increase the security of windows by making them more difficult to open from outside.

Another common issue with double glazed windows is condensation between the panes of glass. This is due to the seal breaking and not being able to hold the gas that is used to insulate which is confined between the two panes of glass. In certain cases, this can be fixed by re-installing the sealing strip around the edges of the frame. This is a simple procedure that can be done at home.

If the mist is caused by a faulty window seal, you can repair it by drilling a small opening in the glass and using desiccant to absorb moisture. A professional can fix this quickly and easily, and it is often cheaper to replace the window instead of to drill a small hole.

A new set of uPVC hinges is able to be fitted to give your double glazed windows a fresh look and can be fitted to replace old, worn hinges. They can be bought from a trusted online retailer, and they come in a range of colors to match any interior style. In addition to giving your home a fresh look changing the hinges can help in reducing the noise that comes from the street or other sources in your house.

Double-glazed windows are a fantastic way to boost the value of your home and add comfort. They are more efficient in energy than single-glazed windows and can save you money on heating costs. They also look more attractive to potential buyers and may increase the value of your home.

You should consult a professional installer before choosing the double-glazed windows that are right for your home. They will be able recommend the best products to suit your requirements and will ensure that they are installed correctly. They will also offer advice on how to maintain double-glazed windows.

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