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Good Afternoon,

Firstly, thank you for your willingness to address this.
**I will hold names pending a response from my attorney incase of retaliation since depending on how well the investigation is, this may be made public by people within Apria and not myself. I do not know if you plan on reaching out to law enforcement but what I will say is this: if the public does find out, there will be major repercusses but since it appears you are making a genuine effort to stop it, and if employees are caught red handed and the people that terminate them do not go public, I will not see that as a bad thing because it appears the information I've provided will result in changes, this eliminating the need for escalation.**

Yes, there are many individuals that are involved. Normally they have an African surname (Nigeria, Cameroon) and they speak with accents. This should have most of the violators be narrowed down. I have emails on my phone and I have also seen offer letters from Raquel Bootz and not only this, I have spoken directly with Raquel Bootz pretending to be someone else. I have the proof on my phone and emails of other individuals I have came across due to their lack of security.

The basis for my belief that the number is closer to 100 is because I know these call centers use the same network normally and I have information (Whatsapp and Telegram) that they massively apply for these jobs and give advice and hints on how to outsmart the I-9 process. Furthermore, I was able to get in contact with one Cameroonian business individual and one Nigerian businessman and they bragged how they had so many jobs from Apria and that it was so easy to get employment there. They actually have call centers where people work in 3rd world places.. I had to pretend to be someone I was not to get this information because I posed to be a prospective client. These people reside in countries where it's extremely corrupt. In other words, if I tried to go to the police, all what would happen is the police would accept a bribe and pretend to investigate and depending on the retaliation, I could be killed. They believe they are untouchables and by accident of the person. I got ahold of their ID card but I do not know if it is fake or real. I also have a recorded call with myself and one of these individuals. I know what I am talking about here.

I have direct evidence that Apria's systems are flawed. In order to have solid evidence, I applied myself using another person's identity with their consent. I took the interview and the person ultimately got the job. They worked the job for around 16 weeks and they discontinued. I have emails of this. On first day, there is no focus on the verification. I have a documentation of meetings on first day to prove this. Raquel Bootz has unknowingly allowed people to pass the verification who otherwise would not qualify. Like I said, you seriously need to do a verification audit immediately following my advice. This is why I sent my first email because I know.

1. Make every employee live on video show their environment AND step outside and show their home area. Do this in the afternoon time around 4 or 5pm. Why? Because in Africa where more than 95% of the illegal operations occur, you will have direct evidence that many will refuse to do this ad that they will make any excuse to avoid doing it because it will be as clear as day that there is a massive difference.
Alternatively, you can get them to make a video of the environment showing their face but before they do it, there needs to be a recording before they do so it can be cross examined if its the same person. Every supervisor needs to do this too as there is a Nigerian who is (at least claims to be) a supervisor in the company secretly.

2. Give a warning to people that if they are not legally employed or breaking the law and Apia finds out, then there would be termination and legal action. There should also be a way to mail a GPS device that the employee should be required to hold with them that has the location.

3. I am black so this is not racist what I am about to say: looking at white employees is a waste of time but I understand it must be done to look impartial. It is black individuals and normally companies try to prioritize blacks out of racism fears but this allows those with malice intent to get past tough doors even when the qualifications are not present. There are no whites I know of doing this because of the fact that in the countries where it's prevalent, the people are 99% black.

4. Ask for their internet providers and get them to actually walk to there their internet is located. In call centers, this is a server room. Also get them to do a speed test and ask why their address is different from location on speed test.

5. Randomly ask for them to show their ids because many of the employees overseas don't readily have this available (I am aware of some that print copies so be aware).

Regarding the sale of information, when phone calls occur and sensitive data is discovered, these people will copy that information down and then give it to scammers. Sometimes they will pose as agents of Apria or just use it to create accounts, and do fraud activity. These purchases are organized and coordinated by criminal outside groups. That's what I know because I have a confession of this. This relates to removing the employees who are not legally employed because as long as they are employed, this will continue to happen. They are doing this behind the backs of the US accomplices because they would never get in trouble.

The best thing is that audit and the person doing the job should be forced to expose their outside environment no matter what. That will help you determine this faster than anything. Do NOT let them lie and say they have a disability. These Africans and Jamaicans are criminals and will do anything to maintain their jobs. I hope you have better ideas as well.

I can show screenshots of emails regarding the process as I did it to test the integrity. There was one time I even reached out to Raquel and the next day it was a different voice and next day different person to test this process.

However, within the next week, there needs to be a company-wide audit set-up that includes videos as evidence.

If names are disclosed, I doubt I will be able to remain anonymous and I believe that once it's discovered how massive this is, I think at that time Apria would file a report with law enforcement to protect it's interests out of fear of public finding out because believe me, the information that I have is enough (if a disgruntled employee had desires) to bring lawsuits and criminal action. I will not do anything as long as Apria will audit and eliminate those working illegally.

Once they are terminated, Apria needs to send a letter to the address on file stating:
*We Know You Are Involved In A Global Employment Fraud Operation and Will Be Reporting This to ICE*

This way the person who allowed their information to be used knows that it was fraud and that the word spreads.

This will ruin the reputation of these criminal groups and put pressure on the complicit people in the US to stop immediately with this activity and ultimately protect Apria. This will also ensure that there is a record of the incident. Please hire more people in HR if you truly plan to combat this madness.

A few questions for you:

1. Would you like this escalated to law enforcement? If so, when and which jurisdiction? I am asking because I will speak to law enforcement by phone as that conversation can be guaranteed secure from retaliation. Keep in mind that this also may result in this becoming public and causing extreme damage to Apria and millions of dollars in fines as I-9 violations are extremely costly. There is no guarantee of privacy here despite the non-retaliation promises. I am not asking for anything in return. I do NOT care about anything other than making sure this is stopped.

2. If a phone call happened theoretically, how would it occur and who would be listening in? Would it be recorded? What guarantees will be given?

3. How difficult would it be to audit employees using some tips I gave? It should not be that difficult. I really am concerned regarding this fraud and I want proof that an audit is done meaning that (after everything is 100% done), I receive a reassuring piece of information that it has been addressed..

4. Is there any way to activate GPS location on your computers so even if they are overseas but on American wifi, you would still know its out of the country? These criminal groups use local wifi but with a VPN to mask the fact that they are overseas. Another easy way to find out is batch by batch, tell employees their computers are being upgraded but send a new one with a GPS device inside it so whenever it is delivered, that can be tracked.
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