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Views differ considerably when it comes to whether universities should offer the same amount of money for students’ sports activities as they do for their libraries or not. Some people support this idea, as they think sports activities are as important as studying. By contrast, others believe, according to the principle that a university should mainly develop a student’s academic abilities, the input to the libraries should be considerably bigger than that for sports activities. As far as I’m concerned, I definitely agree with the idea that more money should be invested in the development of the libraries and the following reasons will support my point of view.
First of all, the main responsibility of a university is to develop the academic skills of its students. In order to succeed in this aspect, it is very important to provide a good atmosphere for reading and studying. For example, in a lot of Chinese universities, there is only one library, which is usually far from the student’s dorm and after a day of hard study, the student will not want to go out and will just stay in the dorm. For this reason, I believe it is necessary to offer a little library in each dorm, as it would not only provide an excellent environment for study, but it will also prove beneficial for the school security.
Another reason to support my view is that there are a lot of varied subjects in the university and both the reference books and the materials are very different for each major, so it is important to have a large and diverse collection of books. For instance, in the case of economic studies, we should read Math books and study some other theoretical aspects but for Art Studies, one is supposed to read more modern or historical books in order to find the necessary inspiration.
Last but not least, it will also be worthy to employ well-trained staff and provide convenient equipment. Well-trained staff will help the student choose books suitable for his/her requirements while the proper equipment such as computers and book copies will help the students find what they need in a more efficient manner.
Admittedly, the students' health is essential for their academic study, but I still have to point out the fact that, in order to preserve your health, it would be enough to resort to daily running, which is free, while still providing the same benefits as a more expensive alternative.
In conclusion, by providing a careful analysis which compares the advantages and disadvantages of giving the same amount of money for students’ sports activities as they offer to their libraries and, considering the reasons I have depicted above, I believe that obviously the best action, in this case, would be to invest more money in libraries.
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