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Alive Alone
A story by Usako the turtle
Idea by Facemisk
this is going to be a serious story do not worry but it might have some un-serious moments

It was quiet. There wasn't a single sound.
"Why is it so quiet all of a sudden?
It's almost like everyone...
died. Or...
mysteriously vanished."
A faint voice sounded.
"There's nothing.
Everything is gone.
It all vanished.
There's no sound.
There's no light, or darkness.
All there is...
is me.
All alone...
in this big world...
I guess you could say I am...
Alive alone."

There was nothing but a girl in the middle of nowhere. She couldn't see. She couldn't hear anything, but her own voice. She couldn't move. She couldn't feel. There was nothing. Nothing but herself. She couldn't do anything... until she woke up. So she did. She woke up. And what she saw, was both amazing, and terrifying.
It was the world. The world with no one, no one but herself. She was alive alone. There was no other human being. No cats, no dogs, nothing. Only plants, and giant buildings, that swept across all that she could see. Old buildings, with vines and bushes growing inside, and outside them. Trees grew atop some of the buildings, and vines draped others. Some were almost covered in moss, and dirt. She liked the view of the old buildings. She didn't know why, she just thought it was pretty, and refreshing.
The air was fresh, and clean. She could tell that nothing has been here for a long, long time. The wind rustled against the bushes and trees, and against her skin. She thought it felt nice. Then she noticed something strange.
"Where am I?
What am I doing here?
I don't remember anything..."
She thought to herself. But she shook it off, since she didn't really mind, since the world was nice without anyone else. She did think it was a bit lonely, but she could do whatever she wanted. She could explore all the unexplored buildings and the forests surrounding them, and climb trees, and go anywhere she wanted. She was free to do what she wanted.
"Being alive alone...
isn't so bad."
She smiled to herself. She decided to explored around, so she walked to the nearest building, which was only about 2 feet away. She walked into the building, that's door fell off, and was lying on the ground, covered in rust. The wind blew through the door and old broken windows. Small drops of water dripped from the ceiling, which she thought was probably from rain. She looked around the mossy inside of the structure, and saw an old wooden chair with a wooden table. But what was strange about that is that there is a nest on it, even though there are no birds or anything. She thought it was strange, but didn't think it was that important, so just left it. She walked around the place, and saw a stall.
"What is that for?"
She thought. She went over to it, and opened it. Nothing was in there, except a strange stone cross, that looked strangely new. She was confused. She just shook it off like everything else, and just went to explore some more of the buildings, since that one wasn't all that interesting, despite the fact that there was a strangely new-looking stone cross, and a nest. While she walked over to a new building to explore, she saw something shine nearby, so she decided to investigate.
She walked over to the shining object, that was hiding in a small bush. She put her hand in and grabbed something. It felt hard, and rough. She pulled it out and saw that it was an old key, that was rusted, and felt a bit wet for some reason. Then she looked at the bush, and noticed that it was wet. She looked around and noticed that it had probably rained recently, since she only just noticed that everything looked a bit wet. Then she suddenly felt something, and heard a small noise. It was her stomach. She was hungry.
"Where would I find food here?"
She wondered to herself. Then she realized since there were no people or animals, she would eat fruit, or vegetables. She smiled and walked off, away from the old buildings, and into a forest. She didn't really know what she could possibly find alone, since she was just one girl, in a forest, looking for fruit or something. Then she saw that looked like it had something...? in it. She walked over and for some reason it was a fucking apple tree. She walked over to it, and smiled since she likes apples. She carefully climbed up the tree, and grabbed some of the apples. While climbing down she accidentally tripped and hit her wrist, but it was just a little sore, so she didn't really worry. She walked back to the buildings, and sat underneath a tree, eating an apple.
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