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Advanced Syntax 16.04
* Binding Theory.
The interpretation of different DPS --> R-Expressions
--> Pronouns (she, her)
--> Anaphors (Reflexives, reciprocals): Anything that refers to anything.
Principle A: Anaphors must be bound within their binding domain.
Binding: Co-indexation under C-command.
- (Mary) saw (herself) in the mirror. i --> We use these indicators semantically.
- Mary’s mother saw herself the mirror. if DP1 C commands DP2, then DP1 binds DP2.
The mother C commands herself.
* It has to match the gender and number.
* The antecedent must C command the Anaphor.
Ex. Mary likes himself. They are coindexed by there is a mismatch in gender.
Ex. Herself likes Mary. It is ungrammatical because there is nothing that C commands Mary.
Ex. Mary thinks that herself is happy. Herself is bound and everything is in place, just there is a lot of space between them for the binding. Anaphors must be bound locally!
Ex. (Mary thinks (that john likes herself)). Herself is bound, but not locally. And it is ungrammatical UNLESS we switch John with Sally, because it is not locally bound.
Principle B: A pronoun must be free locally in its binding domain.
- Mary hit herself with a stick. There is no violation to Principal A.
- Mary hit (her) with a stick. The pronoun is co-indexed. (her) is bound but is not co-indexed.
- Sally said that Mary hit (her) with a stick. (her) is bound.
R-EXPRESSIONS: are DPs that get their meaning by referring to an entity in the world.
Principle C: an R expression must be free regardless it was locally free or not locally free.
R expressions behave like pronouns.
She asked herself about Mary.
Principle A: No violation
Principle B: No violation
Principle C: Violation

Herself talked to Mary about her.
Principle A: Violated --> because herself is not bound locally and is not co-indexed.
Principle B: Violated
Principle C: violated --> because Mary is bound by herself, while it is supposed to be free.

John called his father. (his) is co-indexed, under C command and bound (not free*)
Principle A: Not Applicable
Principle B: Not Applicable --> It is bound where it should be free.
Principle C: No violation
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