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#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

// Function prototypes
int getTotalDays();
void getTimeOfDepartureAndArrival(int &departureHour, int &departureMinute, int &arrivalHour, int &arrivalMinute);
double getRoundTripAirfare();
double getCarRentals();
double getVehicleExpenses(double milesDriven);
double getParkingFees(int totalDays);
double getTaxiFees(int totalDays);
double getConferenceFees();
double getHotelExpenses(int totalDays);
double getMealExpenses(int totalDays);

int main()
int totalDays, departureHour, departureMinute, arrivalHour, arrivalMinute;
double roundTripAirfare, carRentals, milesDriven, parkingFees, taxiFees, conferenceFees, hotelExpenses, mealExpenses;

// Get input from user
totalDays = getTotalDays();
getTimeOfDepartureAndArrival(departureHour, departureMinute, arrivalHour, arrivalMinute);
roundTripAirfare = getRoundTripAirfare();
carRentals = getCarRentals();
cout << "Enter miles driven: ";
cin >> milesDriven;
parkingFees = getParkingFees(totalDays);
taxiFees = getTaxiFees(totalDays);
conferenceFees = getConferenceFees();
hotelExpenses = getHotelExpenses(totalDays);
mealExpenses = getMealExpenses(totalDays);

// Calculate total expenses
double totalExpenses = roundTripAirfare + carRentals + getVehicleExpenses(milesDriven) + parkingFees + taxiFees + conferenceFees + hotelExpenses + mealExpenses;

// Calculate total allowable expenses
double totalAllowableExpenses = totalDays * (6 + 10 + 90) + 9 * 3 + 12 * 2 + 16 * 2;

// Calculate excess or savings
double excess = totalExpenses - totalAllowableExpenses;
double savings = (excess > 0) ? 0 : -excess;

// Display results
cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
cout << "Total expenses incurred: $" << totalExpenses << endl;
cout << "Total allowable expenses: $" << totalAllowableExpenses << endl;
cout << "Excess to be reimbursed: $" << max(0.0, excess) << endl;
cout << "Amount saved: $" << savings << endl;

return 0;

// Implement other functions according to their descriptions
// Remember to define the return types and parameters as specified
// Implement the logic to get user input or perform calculations

int getTotalDays()
int totalDays;
cout << "Enter total days spent on the trip: ";
cin >> totalDays;
return totalDays;

void getTimeOfDepartureAndArrival(int &departureHour, int &departureMinute, int &arrivalHour, int &arrivalMinute)
cout << "Enter time of departure (hour minute): ";
cin >> departureHour >> departureMinute;
cout << "Enter time of arrival (hour minute): ";
cin >> arrivalHour >> arrivalMinute;

double getRoundTripAirfare()
double roundTripAirfare;
cout << "Enter round-trip airfare: $";
cin >> roundTripAirfare;
return roundTripAirfare;

double getCarRentals()
double carRentals;
cout << "Enter car rentals cost: $";
cin >> carRentals;
return carRentals;

double getVehicleExpenses(double milesDriven)
return milesDriven * 0.27;

double getParkingFees(int totalDays)
int parkingFees = 0;
cout << "Enter parking fees for each day: $" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < totalDays; ++i)
int fee;
cout << "Day " << i + 1 << ": $";
cin >> fee;
parkingFees += fee;
return parkingFees;

double getTaxiFees(int totalDays)
int taxiFees = 0;
cout << "Enter taxi fees for each day (up to $10 per day): $" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < totalDays; ++i)
int fee;
cout << "Day " << i + 1 << ": $";
cin >> fee;
taxiFees += min(fee, 10); // Limit to $10 per day
return taxiFees;

double getConferenceFees()
double conferenceFees;
cout << "Enter conference/seminar registration fees: $";
cin >> conferenceFees;
return conferenceFees;

double getHotelExpenses(int totalDays)
int hotelExpenses = 0;
cout << "Enter hotel expenses for each night: $" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < totalDays; ++i)
int expense;
cout << "Night " << i + 1 << ": $";
cin >> expense;
hotelExpenses += expense;
return hotelExpenses;

double getMealExpenses(int totalDays)
double mealExpenses = 0;
int breakfastAllowance = 9, lunchAllowance = 12, dinnerAllowance = 16;

// Check if first day's breakfast, lunch, and dinner are allowed
bool firstDayBreakfast = false, firstDayLunch = false, firstDayDinner = false;
int departureHour, departureMinute;
cout << "Enter time of departure (hour minute) on the first day: ";
cin >> departureHour >> departureMinute;
if (departureHour < 7)
firstDayBreakfast = true;
if (departureHour < 12)
firstDayLunch = true;
if (departureHour < 18)
firstDayDinner = true;

// Check if last day's breakfast, lunch, and dinner are allowed
bool lastDayBreakfast = false, lastDayLunch = false, lastDayDinner = false;
int arrivalHour, arrivalMinute;
cout << "Enter time of arrival (hour minute) on the last day: ";
cin >> arrivalHour >> arrivalMinute;
if (arrivalHour >= 8)
lastDayBreakfast = true;
if (arrivalHour >= 13)
lastDayLunch = true;
if (arrivalHour >= 19)
lastDayDinner = true;

// Calculate meal expenses
if (firstDayBreakfast)
mealExpenses += breakfastAllowance;
if (firstDayLunch)
mealExpenses += lunchAllowance;
if (firstDayDinner)
mealExpenses += dinnerAllowance;
if (lastDayBreakfast)
mealExpenses += breakfastAllowance;
if (lastDayLunch)
mealExpenses += lunchAllowance;
if (lastDayDinner)
mealExpenses += dinnerAllowance;

return mealExpenses;
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Regards; Team

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