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Starts with a not to shabby campsite and meanwhile people could be doing anything at the campsite like making beads or in a freeze frame

Starts with the prologue from henry the 5th
and then the scene with the fire being light and the lights pointing really precisely onto the point in witch the fire is being made then lots of smoke and red lights with smoke then the boys run of stage and starts shouting and looking for sticks for fire and then come back seconds later with no sticks and huffing and puffing.
Then goes through when your old and sits in a camping chair by the fire.
Then 451 and seems really bad asse with lots of smoke.
Monty python starts with a man covered in a pink light and then as people start to believe she is a witch it spreads across and over the people until they are all converted and covered with a purple haze.
Then next scene the devil walking down a worn path over the campsite towards the audience staring dead through them as someone else is trailing behind reading out the poem
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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