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PART 1: the start

frewnch Indian people fight indians and kill people with lazer guns and then a black hole ate the indians then the frwench indians won the frwench indian vs indian war and got land in america!!!111!!!11!!!11!1

then the British said nuh uh and fought the frwench and indians and then won and then said haha get womp womped by womp womp wars hehehe >:) noob then made colonies then fatum taxed them they they dumped tea (fish food) in the water because they don't like getting skibibdi fatum taxed by britsh and then they said womp womp hehe >:) noob then they made America and found oil. THE END

PART 2: America growth and more French and Indian stuff yay

PART 2a: French and Indian stuff yay
the French and India people team up and then British said oh no then they died but then they recovered and spawned a black hole with minecraft commands (COMMAND: /spawn minecraft:black_hole) then they won and then they made America and they did [REDACTED] to make money but then they realized that [REDACTED] was bad so then they chose differnt things to make money but the british need money so they taxed them then the colonies did the Boston tea party and did the stuff in part 1 now lets move on to america growth!!!

PART 2b: America growth
after the tea party the fought the Indian british and then won and wanted MORE LAND so the got more land and purchased land from the French Indian and fought the Mexicans and said haha and made more states so they can get more OIL to sell and become in debt of trillions of dollars. they also fought in ww2 and maybe ww1 but who cares that stuff not important so yeah. so anyways part 3 is just extra details ok now "Hey its part 3 now" huh "its me the part 3 narrator" wdym we are just the same "just move on" ok.

PART 3: extra details for stuff

PART 3a: part 2 guy forgot stuff
"hey I forgot something" hey shut up part 2 guy "the American Indian people idk what to call them they are in $34 US dollars in debt right now like in year 2024" oh wow that's so much money "yeah I know" okay now extra stuff" ok then ket's move on "you mean lets? 🤓🤓🤓" shut up nerd.

PART 3b: the extra stuff I promise part 2 guy will not interfere
ok so extra stuff is uhhhh oh yeah the britsh and French people got angry cuz they claimed to own land in DOWN IN OHIO SWAG LIKE OHIO and then the french said nuh uh and kill some britsh people. then the British wanted to stop them so they fought back and its just Fight, Eat, Sleep, Repeat.
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