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~Tips for middle school~
✨🤍🧸💿💐🌼 emojis used - ✨🤍❤️🎀👍🏽🧸💿🌸💐🌺🌷🌼❌‼️
Tip number one - Make another friend! I know you guys are saying "we won't fight" but i have a feeling you will so just both
of you make a new friend. and they have to be different obviously. 💿🌷 (was intended for b&a but im to lazy to change it)
Tip number two - try not to do anything that will get you in trouble. being a new kid and already getting in trouble very
big where the PRINCABLE it involved is not a good look.‼️🤍
Tip number three - be friendly to the teacher(s). try to participate in class if you know the answer. I know you'll get
used to your classmates. (eventually)💐
Tip number four - DONT PASS NOTES AND I MEAN EVER!! unless its urgent. on the first day if your teacher(s) let you,
sit next to each other BUT don't talk too much technically what im saying is act like the "teacher's pets" in 5th grade. 🎀✨
Tip number five - I believe you don't have lockers but if you do keep an emergency pouch in Ur backpack and locker.
any desk or locker you have keep it organized. even though you will be taking your books in Ur backpack. 🧸🌼
Tip number six - NEVER EVER AND I MEAN EVER open the door for parents. always tell them they have to go into
the office and get a sticker saying "visitor."
Tip number seven - (From Pinterest)
Don't obsess over boys (there not worth it boo) be kind to yourself, don't bring yourself down about your looks, smarts or what toxic friends (or just in general people) say 👍🏽🤍
Tip number eight - (From Pinterest)
DO YOUR WORK!! I cannot stress this enough. I know it’s hard at times but don’t be the kid that thinks work is stupid. Don’t be the kid that says “well colleges don’t look at middle school” uh yes, they do. And even if they don’t, you need it for high school. Even if you don’t get answers right, it’s better to have turned in something than nothing. DONT ACT BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE! I know you think your so cool now that you're out of elementary school,
but so is everyone else 💿‼️
Tip number nine - School do's and don'ts! (From Pinterest)
-Sit in front of the class/2nd row
-Do your homework and turn it in on time
-Participate in school events and activities
-Organize your folders and locker(s)
-Stay focused all year
-Study three to four times a week (for test or if ur behind)
-Keep up with work you did & start all your homework the day its given 🧸💿

-wait last minute to do assignments
-give up easily
-fall asleep or be distracted
-listen to drama/be involved/Start it
-get sidetracked easily 🌸💐
Tip number ten - (From Pinterest) Credits to: Nightmareofdreams
Advice to a 6th grader from an 8th grader:
welcome to middle school. You're going to be tired; you're going to wish you were still in elementary school sometimes. The halls are cramped, and the teachers are annoying. But just remember do your homework and stay out of trouble. Pick your friends carefully. Don't worry about how people feel about you because it doesn't matter. Don't be afraid to dress or act different. The friends you have right now probably aren't going to be your friends when you get to 8th. But i promise you will have great friends that you wouldn't trade the world for. You'll laugh and cry. Don't try to be perfect. I've walked these halls for three years so take care of it for me, it's a second home above all cherish these years, Because in a of an eye there over. ❤

Credits to: Jade and Pinterest
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