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The Worst Advice We've Been Given About Mini Cooper Key Fob Replacement
Mini Cooper Key Fob Replacement

It's best to purchase an authentic key fob from a dealer if you require one. They're generally more affordable than unbranded ones and offer a number of features, including rolling down the windows.

They are also available online, but could not be compatible with your car. They must be programmed to work with your car, which can take a while and cost money.


Many of the latest cars have a remote key fob that enables the driver to unlock and start the vehicle. While these key fobs are convenient but they can be costly to replace if they get damaged or lost. In some cases, you'll need to replace the entire key fob. You can purchase a replacement key fob from the dealer or an online retailer.

Depending on the type of key you can also find an exchange at an locksmith or auto parts store. However, it is crucial to be aware that these key fobs are equipped with an integrated chip that connects to the car's system. This means that if you get an unbranded key fob, it will not work properly in your Mini Cooper.

If you own a Gen 1 or 2 mini cooper, you can buy a replacement key at the dealership for about $150 per piece. A locksmith can replace the key for a fraction of the cost however, it's better to keep a spare. You can also make a preemptive purchase of a standard non-remote key that costs $60 and will lock and start your car.

GMW Perth, as a BMW and Mini Cooper Service Centre, is equipped to replace BMW or Mini Cooper Keys with genuine parts. Losing your keys can be quite a hassle, but replacing it will make sure that you don't lose your car and end up in the wrong hands.


If you're thinking of replacing your old key fob, ensure you purchase one that's compatible with your vehicle. This is crucial since the key fob performs numerous functions, including opening and stopping your car. In addition, some vehicles require a particular fob size to function. If your new fob is the wrong size, it will not fit in the ignition and could cause problems.

Key fobs purchased from MINI dealerships generally work with your vehicle. They are also cheaper than those purchased from locksmiths. If you're not sure how to make a new key, it's best to leave it to professionals.

The battery in the key fob's device must be replaced every few months. This is not difficult. The first step is taking the old battery from the case. You'll need a short object to open the noticeable notch on the top of the case. After you have removed the battery, replace it with the 2032 CR. You can find these batteries at your local hardware store or at the supermarket.

The next step is activating the replacement key fob. This will connect the microchip with your vehicle. If you're not comfortable doing this, bring your vehicle to the closest MINI dealer. You could also ask your mechanic to do the same.


The key fob is a small plastic device that allows you to lock and unlock your car. It transmits the radio frequency signal to the car's receiver, and triggers the sound of a bell that lets you know the doors are locked or unlocked. Many modern cars come with this feature, and it can make driving more secure and easier. If your key fob gets damaged, you'll need to replace it.

Key fobs can be damaged due to a variety of different causes. If they are dropped, stepped on or watered or soaked, they may not function properly. In many cases, this leads to doors not locking or unlocking properly. The buttons on the fob's key can also be misaligned, and sticky with regular use.

One reason to have a spare key fob so that you can gift it to your spouse or a driver who drives the vehicle. This will enable each driver to have their own Driver profile and prevent any misaligned settings such as mirror position, climate control, or seat positioning.

A good replacement key fob will have a compatible FCC ID and part code that is the same as the original. This will ensure that the new fob is compatible with your vehicle's RKE system. A locksmith must also cut the fob in order to match the ignition system of your vehicle. It needs to be "unlocked" or "reflashed" to ensure that it can be programmed to your vehicle's installed system.


Modern electronic key fobs come with many security and convenience features you can't find with traditional mechanical keys. But, as with other automotive gadget, the fobs may fail from time to time. If that happens, you'll want to get in touch with a professional locksmith on mobile.

Test your key fob and see if it needs an upgrade to its battery. If the fob doesn't respond when you hit the locks or unlock buttons, it's most likely dead. The good news is that replacing the battery is a simple procedure. You can find replacement batteries at hardware stores, on the internet, and at big-box retailers. Refer to the owner's guide (which is usually on the website of the automaker) for more specific directions.

Remove the backup metal key from the fob. Set it aside in a secure location. Then, insert the blade from the flathead screwdriver, or a plastic pry bar tool into the opening just above where the key's metal surface used to reside. Remove the cover on the back and place it in a safe location. Then replace the battery with a brand new CR2032 coin cell. Make TheKeyLab that the positive (+) side is facing up towards you, then snap the cover back on.

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