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Macbeth by Shakespeare is the story of triumph and damnation experienced by Macbeth, a Scottish general who is the thane of Glamis. While others look at Macbeth as a brave and courageous soldier who has sacrificed a lot for his country, Macbeth is honestly an easily swayed man who falls to temptation repeatedly. In the play, Macbeth kills the King of Scotland in hopes that he would be given the throne. Motivated for personal gain, Macbeth wants the three witches’ prediction to come true and strives to forcefully make their prophecy become reality. He does accelerate their predictions and set in motion the future plans of his crowning with the aid of his wife. Macbeth’s spouse is usually seen as the reason for his damnation. Lady Macbeth is usually portrayed as a stereotypical evil female antagonist. In Lady Macbeth by Susan Fraser King, another version of the story of Lady Macbeth is revealed. In this modern interpretation, Lady Macbeth is seen as a brave, courageous soul who has a giving heart.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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