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Tonight, as I was asking God for a word for you, He reminded me of a scripture in Isaiah - Isaiah 55:2 (New International Version):
“Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare.”
I encourage you to read the full scripture for yourself as God can speak to you personally through it.
Here’s the breakdown:

Metaphorical Bread:
The term “bread” here is a metaphor for spiritual sustenance—what our souls truly need.
To “spend money” on something other than this “bread” is to ignore our malnourished spiritual condition and seek satisfaction in things that can never feed the soul.
People often squander their resources on things of no spiritual value, rather than accepting what God offers freely.
Chasing After Empty Things:
The verse highlights the foolishness of pursuing things that don’t truly satisfy.
Just as ancient Israel chased after worthless idols, today people do the same by seeking wealth, fame, or material goods to find happiness and fulfillment.
The problem is that none of these things can truly satisfy the deepest longings of our souls.
God’s Offer of True Satisfaction:
Only God can truly give His people what they are striving after.
God’s gift of salvation is offered freely to all who turn to Him in faith.
Jesus, the “bread of life”, contrasts with the things that do not satisfy. He promises true satisfaction and eternal life.
In summary, the verse encourages us to seek what truly nourishes our souls—God’s love, grace, and salvation—rather than chasing after empty pursuits. Only in Him can we find lasting satisfaction and delight in the richest of fare1.

As you read the whole passage it pretty much talks about us trying to do things by ourselves - in our own strength and He invites us to commune with Him. He wants us to lay down the idols of our hearts for example drugs- sex- money-earthly treasures. God knows our struggle and has compassion for us. He loves us so much that He gave His son up to die for us that we would be saved. We are all sinners, and we strive to do things our way- but the bible teaches that we can receive forgiveness and grace when we place our trust and Faith in Jesus Christ. See Jesus already paid for all sickness sin and death - he paid it knowing that while we were still in Sin, we might choose Him.

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Regards; Team

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