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ST: (walk in to house and looks round ) were is everyone ? knowbody is hear
(carrys on looking around ) maybe there just out , theyl be back in a b it

scene 2
st:its been 2 hours were can they be ? at least i can suprise them now that im home fom afghan
let see what food we have in
( walks to kitchen )
radio: sighnes of a zombie apocalypse have been recognized in sailsbury wilshire in the uk and over 32,000 people have avacuated there houmes and have moved out of the area . if you live in or near wiltshere we advice that you evacuaate as soon as possible .
st: oh no
(brings phone out and realises there is no signal )
"brilliant no signal"
(goes outside )
somethings different , its so SILENT out hear
(brings bin back in )
hears a scream in the distant
ignores it and goes back inside
its getting late i better go to bed and if there not back i need to find them

scene 3

wakes up and there is nothing to be heard and looks round the house and nobody is home still and he has a missed call from is friend he calls him who also went to afghan

sgt : hello
na : hey , we need to talk
stg: bout what
na/ well ive got back and no one is hear and it seems silent
stg/ omg same there is no one at my houe aswell did you hear the news
na/ no
stg / well basically apparently everyone has evacuated ther homes due to signes of a apocalypse
na/ that cant be true
stg/ it seems true there is no cars around and it pretty much silent it seems like a zombie apocalypse to me
na/ i dont believe it till i hear it
stg/ right get in your car and get to my house ASAP we need to find out what is going on
na/ its a load of rubbish but ok


sgt / finely your hear ,took you long enough .
na/ oh im sorry there was alot of traffic
stg/ok stop with the jokes
na/ laughs
stg/ look ill show you the radio report
na/umm ok ?
na/wth this is rubbish look there isnt anything to worry about
stg/ yes there is are familys have gone and here is no one on the streets
na/ yeah well it is sunday
stg / who cares it could be monday it could be tuesday it isnt gonna change anythink theres somethink wrong i can feel it
na/ well if it makes you feel better we can go outside and have a search for people
stg /its not safe out ther
na/ well then but the bloody kettle on and make me a hot chocolate
stg / fine we can go outside
na/ but i want a hot chocolate
stg/well sorry u cant have one
na/ sighs and puts jacket on

scene 5
sgt / yousee what i mean by silent
na/ no
sgt/ ur not very helpful
na/ oh look there is a person over there
sgt/ (looks over in exitement and stares) na thats not a human
na/ then what is it
sgt / its a zombie run run run
na and sgt run for there lifes and dontr look back
sgt/ i thunk we lost it
na/ idk were still not safe
( gun shot na drops dead )
sgt / NA!!! TALK TO ME !!! (looks in the distance and nobody is there turns around and sees a zombie
(gun shot)
stg drops dead

the end.

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