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Hello everyone! o/

Rin’s speaking (or writing, actually). Please kindly read this and support me by doing things mentioned. I’m doing an excercise for my own mental health and I hope this method will also help you guys to calm a bit!

First of all, sorry if this message is kinda nonsense, but I do really want to be alone for an exact week. This is not about you guys or my family or any important people of mine out there, this is just going to be about me. I am kinda tired because I have a lot of porblems lately. Crying for months every midnight, eating too much (and it caused a pretty bad sore throat), taking too much naps during the day, etc. My grades are none but decreasing. It keeps depressing me, those mentioned things above. I have my own life. I don’t exist to impress people. And when I am writing this, I know I have changed a lot. The old me is not like this. I usually don’t think about everything too deep like today. It makes me sick. It is not so Rin! So I decided to turn the old me back by doing a meditation. Yay!!

The rules are simple:

1. I want to be alone and to remain calm for a week, without gossips or problems or people. So please, do not chat or greet or tag an instapost or mention @ twitter or even call me because I will not using my phone nor my wifi connection. I want to calm myself a bit by being alone. Less people, less bullshit. *inserts cool emoji*
2. After my meditation is over, do not ask such inappropriate things like “Kenapa sih, harus banget emangnya diem seminggu?” Duh, I have a right to have my own privacy too, I think. I don’t want to hear such questions questioning about what my meditation is done for.
3. I want to sleep at night and gain positive vibes as much as I can during the day. No more crying over unimportant things, nu-uh.

So please, please please pleaseeee do not assume anything on why am I doing this, soalnya asumsi itu kadang nonsense dan sebenernya inti dari ini cuma satu: jangan ganggu princess dulu selama seminggu soalnya setiap orang juga berhak punya waktu untuk sendiri, for rebuilding their own ruined life.

The old Rin is going back! (Loading......75%)

Please support me by doing things mentioned above. Thank you!

(p.s: if this method is success on me, you guys maybe should try to do so)
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Regards; Team

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