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Primary - these are documents, images, or artifacts that provide a first-hand testimony and direct evidence that regards a historical topic under research or investigation.
Secondary - scholarly works like books and journals written after the event that occurred. it is a work that analyzes, assesses, or interprets a historical event with the utilization of primary sources.
(SECOND-HAND, works / research made from first-hand evidences; aftermath study)

Paleolithic (Old Stone Age)
- rarely hard to find remains and are unearthed inside caves
- humans lived during this times are NOMADIC
- no evidence of settlements
- several human species lived at diff times
Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age)
- start of stone tools
- humans lived nomadically in camps near RIVERS and other bodies of water
- introduction to agriculture; settling in villages
- practices of hunting, fishing, and food gathering (domestication of animals)
Neolithic (New Stone Age)
- development in agriculture & food production
- advancements in most areas (farming, settlements, arts, etc.)
- use of polished tools
- important because the development of modern society had its sources there (modern society developed with the help of research in neolithic)

Oldovian culture - earliest evidence of technology that our ancestors produced
Pre-HIstory = Stone Age

- stone tools = artifacts social scientists use to reconstruct the prehistory of man
- pre-history helped us describe and discover their ways and means in the past
- human survival practices evolved from the basic technology up until the kind of technology that we have today (survival practices = technology evolution)

- cultural materials = info needed to be decoded by social researchers (archaeologists)
- utilizes methods like carbon dating to give a date
- use of cross-cultural analysis to understand its meaning
- meanings from the artifacts are deciphered to reconstruct cultures

nuwang - symbol of wealth (skull)
laguna copperplate - inscription of old political practices before the Spanish colonization (1987)
hagabi - a social resting chair; represents their wealth and position
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