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Business Health in South America
As the world seeks to build climate-resilient healthcare systems, the region of South America, with its many unique health challenges, offers a crucial opportunity. But social and economic inequalities threaten the region’s healthcare system, leaving the poorest and most vulnerable at risk of climate-sensitive diseases.

At the same time, Latin America’s natural resources are increasingly important to the global economy as a source of energy and minerals. But the region also faces a complex economic future. Orçamento Plano de Saúde Sul América of its new governments face financial constraints as they balance the pressures to boost economic growth, fight inflation, and reduce budget deficits with a desire to push forward more nationalist policies in sectors like mining and energy.

South American countries are key to combating rising greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, particularly through their abundant and widely distributed forests. At the same time, they face challenges from rising international energy prices and climate change impacts on local food security and livelihoods.

The region’s burgeoning middle class is shifting consumption patterns to more energy-intensive foods, largely because they are less affordable than traditional meat and dairy products. This consumption, combined with a lack of healthy food access in rural areas and increasing urbanisation, is leading to rising rates of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease across the region.

Climate change is also increasing the vulnerability of South Americans to mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue fever. Changing weather conditions favouring the transmission of these diseases can strain already overcrowded and fragmented healthcare systems.

The new Lancet Countdown for South America includes five indicators that explore key areas of concern. These include the availability of clean household energy (indicator 3.1.1); exposure to and mortality from ambient air pollution by sector (indicator 3.2); sustainable, healthy road transport (indicator 3.3); food and diet security (indicator 1.4); and changing climate suitability for dengue transmission (indicator 1.3).

In 2021, eight countries in South America have submitted second-round or updated versions of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement. Those countries have made progress in prioritising health in their NDCs, and some have developed and implemented a national adaptation plan for health (HNAP) to deliver on those commitments. However, a significant number of countries have yet to develop or implement an HNAP, and the $100 billion per year from high-income countries for climate action in low-income countries remains unmet.

The new Lancet Countdown for South American tracks the state of healthcare systems in each country, including public, private, and social security systems. It also looks at the quality of healthcare services, and the availability of medical insurance. In addition, it monitors the health-related aspects of a country’s climate adaptation plan, and a country’s ability to implement that plan. It also assesses a country’s ability to provide vaccines for its most prevalent infectious diseases. These measures can be used to help inform policymakers as they plan for the future of health systems in South America and globally.
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