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emission nebulae are lit from within by the intial star formation process

refletion nebulae appear lit by reflecting the light of nearby fully formed stars

dark nebulae produce no light of objeacts behind it

planetry nebulae are duct cloud formatins that occur a

varible star a stars magnitude can vary in this manner due to the actual change in size and shape of the star
hertzsprung russell diagram shows the relationships of a stars stage to its temperture and apparent magnitude as compared to the sun
lumistity the greater the temp the more lumisty
star cluster is the expansive cloud of stars that are all formed froom mthe same originonal matter and held together in a grouping based on gravity
open cluster the stars are more dendly packed forming a somewhat
globular cluster the are more packed
binary star is set of two stars
eletromagnetic spectrum is a collective arranegment of all the possible frequencies of eletromagetic radiation

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