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Alternate map game

Each player:
-start with 50g
-1000 population
-1 city

Every 1k population gives 1g bonus

-Gold mine 5g / 2g per turn
-House 10g / 50 population 1g per turn
-Trade center 10g / incrase income %50
-Pier 15g/ need for sea trade
-Port 20g / gives 2g bonus in sea trade
-Path 5g / need for land trade
-Dock 20g
-Barracks 15g
-Entertainment 10g / gives 5 morale
-Farm 8g / gives 3g per turn
-Temple 15g / you can build only if u have religion gives 10 morale per turn
-Gunpowder Factory 25g / 1 gunpowder per turn
-City 10g /250 population per turn
I will add more stuff

U need 3000 population for creating religion
Each player gives 1g bonus

If players country in your continent u can trade with land trade if dont, u need sea trade. If u want trade on land u need path to trade if u want sea trade u need pier. Trade gives 5g per turn but u can incrase it with port, merchant and cart

Colonies can be playable and can be indepent with fight for independence

Land units
-Cart 15g / gives 2g bonus in land trade
-Merchant 10g / gives 1g in land trade
-Basic infantry 10g
-Armored Infantry 15g
-Cavalary 15g
-Cannon 20g and 5 gunpowder
-Catapult 25g and 10 gunpowder

Sea units
-Transport ship 10g / Can transport the land units
-Fishing boat 10g / gives 5g per turn
-Trade ship 15g / Gives 3g sea trade bonus
-Galley 15g
-Colony Ship 15g

Special Units
Plain colony pack 10g / need for colonizing plains
Arctic colony pack 15g/ need for colonizing arctic lands
Desert colony pack 15g/ need for colonizing desert
Swamp colony pack 15g/ need for colonizing swamp
Explorer 20g/ need for colonizing lands
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Regards; Team

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